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Astrological Chart of the Week
Christopher Warnock, Esq.
Current Astrological Chart
For July 2003

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It's not Mercury, but he is riding a peacock





Cornelius Agrippa's

Three Books of Occult Philosophy


The current astrological chart is an election for a talisman of Mercury in Virgo. Cornelius Agrippa in his Three Books of Occult Philosophy says,

"They made another Image of Mercury, Mercury ascending in Virgo, for good will, wit and memory; The form of which was a man sitting upon a chaire, or riding on a Peacock, having Eagles feet, and on his head a crest, and in his left hand holding a cock or fire."

Three Books of Occult Philosophy, Book I, ch. 43.
The Latin Picatrix says,

Forma Mercurii secundum opinionem aliorum sapientum est forma baronis coronati, equitantis supra pavonem, in eius dextra calamum, in sinistra vero cartam habentis; et eius vestes sunt omnium colorum mixte. Et hec est eius forma.

The form of Mercury, according to the opinion of another wise man, is the form of a baron wearing a crown, riding on a peacock, in his right hand a reed pen and in his left hand a [sheet of paper/book] and his clothes are many colors mixed. And this is its form.

Picatrix, Bk II, ch. 10. (Translation by Christopher Warnock, Esq.)
Chart produced by Solar Fire 5
The Ouroboros Press Picatrix is almost exactly the same as the Latin, but has the crowned man with a rod in his right hand and a plate in his left. These are certainly acceptable translations of calamum and cartam, but I have chosen a pen and paper because they are so Mercurial!

The elected time and date is courtesy of William Stickevers (Thanks William!) which is why it is for Manhattan, not D.C.
The elected time and date is 8:18 am, EDT on August 7, 2003 for Manhattan, NY, 40 N 46, 73 W 59.
At this time Mercury rises in Virgo, his sign and exaltation.
Here is another Mercury Talisman for Mercury in Gemini.
Here is further information on Astrological Talismans and Astrological Magic. If you wish to delve even deeper into this fascinating area I offer an Astrological Magic Full Course, a Planetary Magic Mini-Course and a Mansions of the Moon Mini-Course as well Astrology and Magic Books and my discussion group Spiritus Mundi.


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Copyright 2003 Christopher Warnock, All Rights Reserved.