The Liber Fructus or Centiloquium:

The 100 Aphorisms attributed to Ptolemy



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TThe hundred aphorisms attributed to the 2nd Century Alexandrian philosopher and scientist Claudius Ptolemy have been variously known as the Centiloquium or Centiloquy and the Book of Fruit, in Arabic, Kitab Thamara and in Latin, Liber Fructus.

Richard Lemay, in his "Origin and Success of the Kitab Thamara" (Proceedings of the 1st International Symposium for the History of Arabic Science, 1978), convincingly argues that the Kitab Thamara is not the work of Ptolemy, but of the 10th century Arabic astrologer Abu Jafar Ibn Yusuf. Lemay notes that some of the aphorisms of the Centiloquium are contrary to Ptolemy's Tetrabiblos, a standard text of astrology whose authorship by Ptolemy is uncontested.

On the other hand, the Centiloquium bears a very close resemblance to Abu Jafar's handbook of astrology, the Tafsir. Lemay also notes that the existence of the Centiloquium is not supported by any references either in Greek or later Arabic sources until the 10th century. Several later Arabic references attribute its authorship to Abu Jafar.

Nevertheless the Centiloquium was extremely popular in the Middle Ages and Renaissance and Lemay notes that at least ten different Latin translations of the text exist with the first complete Latin translation being made in Barcelona in 1136. It is widely cited in standard works on traditional astrology and with particular reference to astrological magic in the 10th century Arabic work, the Picatrix, as well as Cornelius Agrippa's Three Books of Occult Philosophy and Marsilio Ficino's Three Books on Life.

What are we to make of the fact that the Centiloquium does not appear to have be written by Ptolemy? While Lemay refers to Abu Jafar as a forger this is probably too harsh as many medieval works circulated under authorships that modern scholar contest. If medieval readers overemphasized the authority of a work by attributing it to an ancient author we go to the opposite extreme if we reject it entirely when the attribution is proven false. The Centiloquium deserves to be judged for its content and as such it is a classic exposition of Hermetic theory and astrological art. Its enduring popularity is more a tribute to the excellence of its doctrines and its clarity of exposition than its supposed author.

We have two different translations of the Centiloquium below, one by JM Ashmand, the translator of Ptolemy's Tetrabiblos and one by the 17th century English astrologer John Partridge. Here is a link to a third translation by Henry Coley of the Centiloquium.

JM Ashmand: Centiloquy Ptolomei



I. JUDGMENT must be regulated by thyself, as well as by the science; for it is not possible that particular forms of events should be declared by any person, however scientific; since the understanding conceives only a certain general idea of some sensible event, and not its particular form. It is, therefore, necessary for him who practices herein to adopt inference. They only who are inspired by the deity can predict particulars.

II. When an enquirer shall make mature search into an expected event, there will be found no material difference between the event itself and his idea of it.

III. Whosoever may be adapted to any particular event or pursuit, will assuredly have the star indicative thereof very potent in his nativity.

IV. A mind apt in knowledge will discover truth more readily than one practised in the highest branches of science.

V. A skilful person, acquainted with the nature of the stars, is enabled to avert many of their effects, and to prepare himself for those effects before they arrive.

VI. It is advantageous to make choice of days and hours at a time well constituted by the nativity. Should the time be adverse, the choice will in no respect avail, however favourable an issue it may chance to promise.

VII. The mingled influences of the stars can be understood by no one who has not previously acquired knowledge of the combinations and varieties existing in nature.

VIII. A sagacious mind improves the operation of the heavens, as a skilful farmer, by cultivation, improves nature.

IX. In their generation and corruption forms are influenced by the celestial forms, of which the framers of talismans consequently avail themselves, by observing the ingresses of the stars thereupon.

X. In the election of days and hours, make use of the malefics, to the same moderate extent as the skilful physician would use poisons in order to perform cures.

XI. A day and hour are not to be elected until the quality of the object proposed shall be known.

XII. Love and hatred prohibit the true accomplishment of judgments; and, inasmuch as they lessen the most important, so likewise they magnify the most trivial things.

XIII. In every indication made by the constitution of the heavens, secondary stars, whether auxiliary or injurious thereto, are also to be used.

XIV. The astrologer will be entangled in a labyrinth of error, when the seventh house and its lord shall be afflicted.

XV. Signs cadent from the ascendant of any kingdom are the ascendants of that kingdom's enemies. But the angles and succedent houses are the ascendants of its friends. It is the same in all doctrines and institutions.

XVI. When the benefics may be controlled in the eighth house, they bring mischief by means of good men: if, on the other hand, they be well affected, they will prevent mischief.

XVII. Give no judgment as to the future life of an aged person, until the number of years he may live shall have been reckoned.

XVIII. If, while a benefic may ascend, both the luminaries should be in the same minute, 1 the native will be equally and highly prosperous in all things which can befall him. So, likewise, if the luminaries be mutually opposed by the east and west. But the contrary effect will be produced, should a malefic be on the ascendant.

XIX. The efficacy of purgation is impeded by the Moon's conjunction with Jupiter.

XX. Pierce not with iron that part of the body which may be governed by the sign actually occupied by the Moon.

XXI. When the Moon may be in Scorpio or Pisces, purgation may be advantageously used, provided the lord of the ascendant be coupled with some star posited below the earth. If he be coupled with a star placed above the earth, the potion swallowed will be vomited up.

XXII. Neither put on nor lay aside any garment for the first time, when the Moon may be located in Leo. And it will be still worse to do so, should she be badly affected.

XXIII. Aspects between the Moon and stars give the native much activity; and, if the stars be in power, they indicate an efficient, but if weak an inert, excitation to action.

XXIV. An eclipse of the luminaries, if in the angles of the nativity, or of an annual revolution, is noxious; and the effects take place according to the space between the ascendant and the place of eclipse. And as, in a solar eclipse, a year is reckoned for an hour, so likewise, in a lunar eclipse, a month is reckoned for an hour.

XXV. The progression of a significator, posited in the mid-heaven, is to be made by right ascension; of another posited in the ascendant, by the oblique ascension of the particular latitude.

XXVI. There is obvious concealment in the case, if the star significative of any particular affair be in conjunction with the Sun, either under the earth or in a place foreign to its own nature. On the other hand, there is manifestation, should the star be raised to elevation out of its depression, and be located in its own place.

XXVII. Venus gives pleasure to the native in that part of the body which may be ruled by the sign she occupies. It is the same with other stars.

XXVIII. When the Moon may not hold a familiarity with two planets, as is desirable, care should be taken to connect her, if possible, with some fixed star combining their qualities.

XXIX. The fixed stars grant extremely good fortune, unconnected with the understanding; but it is most commonly marked by calamities, unless the planets also agree in the felicity.

XXX. Observe the creation of the first king of any dynasty; for if the ascendant at that creation should agree with the ascendant of the nativity of the king's son, he will succeed his father.

XXXI. When the star ruling over any kingdom shall enter into a climacterical place, either the king, or some one of the chief men of his kingdom, will die.

XXXII. Concord between two persons is produced by an harmonious figuration of the stars, indicative of the matter whereby good will is constituted, in the nativity of either person.

XXXIII. Love and hatred are discernible, as well from the concord and discord of the luminaries, as from the ascendants of both nativities: but obeying signs increase good will.

XXXIV. If the lord of the place of the new Moon be in an angle, he is indicative of the events liable to happen in that month.

XXXV. When the Sun arrives at the place of any star, he excites the influence of that star in the atmosphere.

XXXVI. In the foundation of cities, consider the fixed stars which may seem to contribute thereto; but in the erection of houses, observe the planets. The kings of every city which has Mars in culmination will most commonly perish by the sword.

XXXVII. If Virgo or Pisces be on the ascendant, the native will create his own dignity; but if Aries or Libra is on the ascendant, he will cause his own death. The other signs are to be contemplated in the same way.

XXXVIII. Mercury, if established in either house of Saturn, and in power, gives the native a speculative and inquisitive intellect: if in a house of Mars, and especially if in Aries, he gives eloquence.

XXXIX. Affliction of the eleventh house, in the creation of a king, indicates damage in his household and his treasury: affliction of the second house denotes the detriment of his subject's wealth.

XL. When the ascendant is oppressed by the malefics, the native will delight in sordid things, and approve ill-favoured odours.

XLI. Beware the affliction of the eighth house and its lord, at a time of departure; and that of the second house and its lord, at a time of return.

XLII. Should a disease begin when the Moon may be in a sign occupied at the birth by some malefic, or in quartile or opposition to any such sign, such disease will be most severe; and if the malefic also behold the said sign, it will be dangerous. On the other hand, there will be no danger if the Moon be in a place held at the time of birth by some benefic.

XLIII. The malefic figures of a nation are strengthened by adverse figurations of existing times.

XLIV. It is an evil case if the ascendant of a sick person resist the figuration of his own nativity; and if the time should not bring up any benefic.

XLV. If the ascendant, or principal significators, be not in human signs, the native himself will be also estranged from human nature.

XLVI. In nativities much happiness is conferred by the fixed stars; and also by the angles of the new Moon, and by the place of a kingdom's Part of Fortune, should the ascendant be found in any of them.

XLVII. If a malefic in one nativity fall on the place of a benefic in another nativity, he who has the benefic will suffer damage from him who has the malefic.

XLVIII. If the mid-heaven of a prince be the ascendant of his subject, or if their respective significators be configurated in a benevolent form, they will continue long inseparable. It will be the same, also, should the sixth house of a subject or servant be the ascendant of his prince or master.

XLIX. If the ascendant of a servant be the mid-heaven in his master's nativity, the master will place so much confidence in that servant as to be ruled by him.

L. Overlook none of the hundred and nineteen conjunctions; for on them depends the knowledge of worldly operations, whether of generation or of corruption.

LI. Make the sign occupied by the Moon at the time of birth the sign ascending at the conception; and consider that in which she may be posited at the conception, or the opposite one, as the sign ascending at the birth.

LII. Men of tall stature have their lords of nativity in elevation, and their ascendants in the beginnings of signs; but the lords of men of short stature will be found in declination. 1 It must also be seen whether the signs be right or oblique.

LIII. The lords of nativity of slight or thin men have no latitude, but those of stout or fat men have; and, if the latitude be south, the native will be active; if north, inactive.

LIV. In the construction of a building, the principal rulers, if coupled with a star below the earth, will impede the erection.

LV. Mars' evil influence over ships is diminished if he be neither in the mid-heaven nor in the eleventh house; but if in either of those places, he renders the ship liable to be captured by pirates. And if the ascendant be afflicted by any fixed star of the nature of Mars, the ship will be burned.

LVI. While the Moon is in her first quarter, withdrawing from her conjunction with the Sun, the bodily humours expand until her second quarter: in her other quarters they decrease.

LVII. If, during a sickness, the seventh house and its lord be afflicted, change the physician.

LVIII. Observe the place of an aspect, and its distance from the ascendant of the year; for the event will happen when the profection may arrive thither.

LIX. Before pronouncing that an absent person shall die, observe whether he may not become intoxicated; before declaring that he shall receive a wound, see whether he may not be let blood; and before saying that he shall find treasure, examine whether he may not receive his own deposit; for the figures of all these things may be similar.

LX. In cases of sickness, observe the critical days, and the Moon's progress in the angles of a figure of sixteen sides. If those angles be well affected, it is favourable for the invalid; if they be afflicted, unfavourable.

LXI. The Moon is significative of bodily matters, which, in respect of motion, resemble her.

LXII. By marking exactly the beginning of a conjunction, 1 judgment may be made of the variation of the weather in the ensuing month. It will depend upon the lord of the angle of every figure, for he controls the nature of the atmosphere; assuming also at these times the quality of the existing weather.

LXIII. In the conjunction of Saturn and Jupiter, pronounce according to the nature of that one which may be higher in elevation. Follow the same rule with other stars.

LXIV. After ascertaining the lord of the inquiry, see what power he may have in the annual revolution, or in the ascendant of the new Moon; and pronounce accordingly.

LXV. In the least conjunction, the difference of the mean conjunction, and in the mean conjunction the difference of the greatest conjunction. 2

LXVI. Consider no profection by itself alone, but make reference also to the qualifications and impediments of the stars.

LXVII. Years are diminished by the imbecility of the receiver.

LXVIII. A malefic, when matutine, signifies an accident; when vespertine, a disease.

LXIX. The native's sight will be impaired if the Moon be opposed to the Sun, and joined with nebulous stars; and if the Moon be in the western angle, and both the malefic stars in the eastern angle, the Sun being in an angle also, the native will become blind.

LXX. Insanity is produced if the Moon have no connection with Mercury; and, if neither of them be connected with the ascendant, Saturn being in occupation of the angle by night, but Mars by day, especially if in Cancer, Virgo, or Pisces, a dæmoniac affection will be produced.

LXXI. If both luminaries may be in masculine signs, in the nativities of males, their actions will be consonant with nature; but if so placed in the nativities of females, they increase their action. And Mars and Venus, if matutine, incline to the masculine gender; if vespertine, to the feminine.

LXXII. Matters of education are to be considered by the ascending lords of triplicity; matters of life, by the lords of the conditionary luminary's triplicity.

LXXIII. If the Sun be found with the Gorgon's head (Caput Medusæ), and not aspected by any benefic star, and if there be no benefic present in the eighth house, and the lord of the conditionary luminary be opposed to Mars, or in quartile to him, the native will be beheaded. If the luminary culminate, his body will be maimed or mangled; and if the aspect in quartile be from Gemini or Pisces, his hands and feet will be amputated.

LXXIV. Mars, if ascending, uniformly gives a scar in the face.

LXXV. If the Sun be in conjunction with the lord of the ascendant, in Leo, and Mars have no prerogative in the ascendant, and if there be no benefic in the eighth house, the native will be burned.

LXXVI. If Saturn hold the mid-heaven, and the conditionary luminary be opposed to him, the native will perish in the ruins of buildings, provided the sign on the lower heaven be an earthly sign; if it be a watery sign, he will be drowned or suffocated by water: if a human sign, he will be strangled by men, or will perish by the halter or the scourge. Should there, however, be a benefic in the eighth house, he will not suffer death, although he will be brought near it.

LXXVII. Profection of the ascendant is to be made for matters affecting the body; of the Part of Fortune, for extrinsic circumstances; of the Moon, for the connection between the body and the spirit; and of the mid-heaven, for the employment or profession.

LXXVIII. A star often dispenses influence in a place in which it has no prerogative, thus bringing unexpected advantage to the native.

LXXIX. Whoever has Mars in the eleventh house, does not govern his master.

LXXX. If Venus be in conjunction with Saturn, and have any lord of house in the seventh house, the native will be of spurious origin.

LXXXI. Times are reckoned in seven ways; viz. by the space between two significators; by the space between their mutual aspects; by the approach of one to the other; by the space between either of them and the place appropriated to the proposed event; by the descension of a star, with its addition or diminution; by the changing of a significator; and by the approach of a planet to its place.

LXXXII. When a figure may be equipoised, observe the horoscope (or figure) at the new or full moon, and, if that also be equipoised, be not hasty in giving judgment.

LXXXIII. The time of obtaining a grant indicates the affection between the applicant and his prince; but the seat 1 shows the nature of the office;--

LXXXIV. And if Mars be lord of the ascendant at the time of entering on possession, and posited in the second house, or coupled with the lord of the second, he brings much mischief.

LXXXV. Should the lord of the ascendant be configurated with the lord of the second house, the prince will spontaneously create many charges.

LXXXVI. The Sun is the source of the vital power; the Moon, of the natural power.

LXXXVII. Monthly revolutions are made in twenty-eight days, two hours and about eighteen minutes. Judgment is also made by some persons by means of the Sun's progress; that is to say, by his partial equations to that degree and minute which he might hold at the beginning.

LXXXVIII. In making profection of the part of Fortune for a whole annual revolution, a space equal to that between the Sun and Moon is to be reckoned from the ascendant.

LXXXIX. Consider the grandfather's affairs from the seventh house and the uncle's from the sixth.

XC. Should the significator be in aspect to the ascendant, the hidden event or object will correspond in its nature with the ascendant; but if the ascendant be not so aspected, the nature of the event will accord with that of the place in which the significator is posited. The lord of the hour shows its colour; the place of the Moon its time; and, if above the earth, it will be a novel thing; if below, old. The part of Fortune indicates its quantity, whether long or short. The lords of the terms, and of the lower heaven and mid-heaven, and of the Moon, shows its substance or value.

XCI. Should the ruler of a sick person be combust, it is an evil portent; and especially if the part of Fortune be afflicted.

XCII. Saturn, if oriental, is not so highly noxious to a sick person; nor Mars, if occidental.

XCIII. Judgment is not to be drawn from any figure until the next conjunction shall have been considered: for principles are varied by every conjunction; and therefore, to avoid error, both the last and the next should be combined.

XCIV. The place of the more potent significator indicates the thoughts of the inquirer.

XCV. The stars rising with the tenth house prove how far the native may be fitted to the occupation which he follows.

XCVI. In an eclipse, such significations as are made nearest the angles, show the events decreed. The nature of the stars in accordance with the eclipse, plants as well as fixed stars, and also the appearances co-ascending, are likewise to be considered, and judgment is to be given accordingly.

XCVII. The event inquired about will be speedily accomplished, should the lord of the new or full Moon be in an angle.

XCVIII. Shooting stars, and meteors like flowing hair, bear a secondary part in judgments.

XCIX. Shooting stars denote the dryness of the air; and, if they are projected to one part only, they indicate wind therefrom: if to various parts, they indicate diminution of waters, a turbulent atmosphere, and incursions of armies.

C. If comets, whose distance is eleven signs behind the Sun, appear in angles, the king of some kingdom, or one of the princes or chief men of a kingdom, will die. If in a succedent house, the affairs of the kingdom's treasury will prosper, but the governor or ruler will be changed. If in a cadent house, there will be diseases and sudden deaths. And if comets be in motion from the west towards the east, a foreign foe will invade the country: if not in motion, the foe will be provincial, or domestic.


John Partridge: Centiloquium Ptolomei

Centiloquium Ptolemei: Or,
The hundred Aphorisms of Ptolemy, Rendred into English


1. Abs te & a ~ Scientia, from thy Self and Science; for it is impossible that-the Artist should foresee the particular Idea of things; neither can Sense receive a particular, but a general notion of the sensible matter; wherefore he ought in these things to use Conjecture, for none but one inspired, can predict particulars.

2. When he that asketh a Question, shall better consider it, he shall find that there is but little difference between the thing sought, and the Idea thereof in the Mind.

3. He that is desirous to study any Art, hath in his Nativity without doubt some Star of the same Nature very well fortified.

4. The Mind naturally inclined to any Science, he attains to more perfection therein, than one that shall take hard pains and labour in study to attain it.

5. One skilful in this Science may evade many effects of the Stars, when he knows their Natures, and diligently prepares himself to receive their effects.

6. An Election of days or hours is then effectual, when it agrees with the Nativity; for otherwise, the Election although well made, will not profit.

7. None can know the Mixtures of the Stars, unless he first know their Natural differences and mixtures one with another.

8. Sapiens, a wise Man doth Co-operate with the Coelestial Operations, and doth assist Nature, as the Husbandman in the ploughing and preparing his Ground.

9. Forms which are generated and corrupted, are subject to the Coelestial Bodies, and are moved by them; therefore they who frame Images, do then make use of them, by observing when the Planets enter into those Constellations and forms.

10. In the Election of days and hour, the two Infortunes are very useful, and thou must use them as the Physician doth Poison, skilfully, for the Cure of Man.

11. Make no Election of days and hours, before you know the quality of the thing intended.

12. Love and Hatred cause Error in Judgment: for affection magnified Trifles, and Envy as much abuses weighty things.

13. When the position of Heaven shall signifie any thing to come to pass, make use in the business of the two Malevolents Saturn and Mars; though in the Nativity they were not friendly.

14. The Astrologer plungeth himself into many errors, when the Cusp of the seventh and his Lord, are either unfortunate or afflicted.

15. The Ascendant of a Kingdoms Enemies, are those Sign which decline from the Ascendant of the Kingdom. The Ascendant of the Kingdoms Friends, are the Signs of the Angles, and of the Signs succeeding those Angles; the same is considerable in the beginning of Schismatical opinions.

16. When the Benevolent Planets have the Rule of the eighth House, he that is then born, shall receive damage from good Men; but if those Planets be well affected, the contrary shall happen.

17. When thou art to give they Judgment concerning the length of an old Man's life; do not give Judgment before thou hath considered how long he may live, according to his Nativity, i.e. by considering the Hylech, the Alchodon, and the killing Directions.

18. When both Luminaries are in the same degree and minute of a Sign, at the time of any ones Birth, and a Benevolent Planet in the Horoscope; the person then born shall be fortunate in all his actions: The same will also be if the two Lights behold each other by opposition from the first and seventh, qualified as before; but if an Infortune be in the Horoscope, judge the contrary.

19. When the Moon is in conjunction with Jupiter, and purging Physick then taken, it becomes invalid and ineffectual.

20. Touch no part of the Body with an Instrument to take away any Blood, when the Moon is in the Sign governing that Member.

21. When the Moon is in Virgo or Pisces, and the Lord of the Ascendant, in Aspect to a Planet under the Earth, it much helps the working of Purging Physick; but if she were in Aspect to a Planet above the earth, the Patient will be subject to Vomit.

22. Neither cut out, not put on a new Suit or Garment, the Moon being in Leo; and if she is there unfortunate, so much the worse.

23. The Moon in Aspect or conjunction with the Planets, makes the Native wavering in his disposition; and if those Planets were strong, he will be active and nimble; but if weak, sluggish and unapt.

24. An Eclipse of either Luminaries in the Angles of a Nativity or yearly Revolution is hurtful; but the time thereof is taken from the distance between the degree ascending, and the degree of the Eclipse, and as in a Solar Eclipse, we take for every hour of its direction a year; so in an Eclipse of the Moon, we take for every hour a month.

25. Let the M.C. and any Significator near it be directed by the Tables of Right Ascension; but in the Horoscope, by the Tables of Oblique Ascension under the Elevation of Birth.

26. Any thing inquired after is much obscured when the Planet signifying the business, is Combust, under the earth, or in an ill House of Heaven; but the matter is then most apparent when the Planet is going from his Debilities into his Dignities, and into his own House.

27. That Part of the Body is proportionally formed, and handsomly shaped, that is governed by the Sign in which Venus is in at the Birth, understand the same of the other Stars.

28. If thou canst not place the Moon (in Elections) in good Configuration with two Planets; let her be near some Fixed Star of the Nature your Planet should be of.

29. The Fixed Stars (when they design preferment alone) give admirable and incredible preferments, which usually ends in incredible misery.

30. Consider well the Coronation of the first King of any Country or Kingdom, if the Ascendant of the Coronation doth agree with the Ascendant of him who hopes to succeed, he shall succeed in that Kingdom.

31. When the Significator of a Kingdom shall be directed to the Anaretical points, the King or some great Prince in that Kingdom shall dye.

32. An amicable Aspect of the Stars doth much conduce to the friendship of two persons; but the quality of the thing they shall agree in, is known from their Nativities.

33. From the agreement of the Luminaries, and the Horoscopes of two persons, is known the love and hatred between them; and those t Signs called obedient, do increase friendship.

34. That Planet who hath most Dignities in the place of the New F Moon, if he were then angular, shall Rule the principal affairs of that Month.

35. When the Sun shall Transit the place of any principal Significator, (at the Ingress) he then gives that Planet force and power to change the Air.

36. In the Foundations of Cities, have respect to the Fixed Stars; but in Building of Houses, only observe the Planets, and those Cities who at their Foundation hath Mars in their M.C. their Princes usually dye by the Sword.

37. They that have the Signs of Virgo or Pisces ascending, will gain Honour and Repute by their own Industry; but they who have Aries or Libra ascending, will be the cause of their own death; s the same may also be observed in other Signs.

38. When Mercury shall be in either of the Houses of Saturn in any ones Nativity, and strong, the Native hath great Natural Parts, able to learn any thing; but if he be in either of the Houses of Mars, he then give the Native an Eloquent Tongue, and this chiefly in Aries.

39. If the eleventh House be unfortunate at the Coronation of any King, it signifies his Houshold Servants shall be impoverished; but if the second House were unfortunate, it threatens damage to his Subjects in their wealth.

40. When the Ascendant is besieged by the Bodies, or Malignant Rays of the Infortunes, the Native will delight in base Actions, and filthy Scents will be most grateful to his smell.

41. When thou set test out upon any Journey, see that the eighth House and his Lord are not unfortunate; but at your return have regard to the second House and his Lord.

42. A Disease or Sickness beginning when the Moon is in a Sign where an Infortune was at the Radix, or in square or opposition thereunto, will prove very grievous, and if she were then in ill Aspect of an Infortune, it will be dangerous; but if at the first falling Sick, she be upon the Radical place of a Fortune, there will be no danger.

43. The Malefective Aspects of a Nation or Kingdom, doth oversway the contrary temporal Aspects, viz. As I understand it thus, That in general Predictions, the fate of Kingdoms is first to be considered, then of Cities, Opinions, &c. Lastly of Men, the chiefest of which is the Princes Nativity of that Countrey to be considered.

44. At the Erection of a Figure at the decumbiture, if it be contrary to that Radix, the Sick person will be in danger, especially if no good Planet assist.

45. He who hath the chief Rulers of his Nativity not in humane Signs, will not be sociable with Mankind.

46. Great felicity is promised in Nativities from the Fixed Stars, and from the Angle of the precedent Conjunction, and from the degree of the part of Fortune, when the degree ascending at birth happens to be the same.

47. When in any ones Nativity a Malignant Planet is placed, where a Fortune was in another Mans Nativity, he that hath the Fortune so placed, shall receive prejudice from the other.

48. When the M.C. of a King's Nativity is the Ascendant of a Subject, or the principal Rulers are in good Configurations, they shall continue inseparable; judge the like when a Servant's sixth House is the same with his Master's.

49. When the Horoscope of a Subject shall Culminate in his Princes Nativity, his Lord shall do intrust him, that he will be ruled by him.

50. Forget not the 119 conjunction of the Planets, for from them is known the Generation and Corruption of things in the world.

51. In what Sign the Moon is at the time of Birth, make that Sign the Ascendant at Conception, and in what Sign she is found in at the Conception, make that or its opposite the Ascendant at Birth.

52. The Lords of the Nativities of tall Men are in their Sublimities, and their Horoscopes in the beginnings of Signs; but in short Men's Nativities they are found in their Falls, and also consider, whether the Signs ascending be of long or short Ascension.

53. The Lords of the Nativities of lean Men have no Latitudes; but of fat Men they have; if the Latitude be South, the Native is more nimble; but if North, more dull and sluggish.

54. When the principal Significator in Buildings is joyned to Planets under the Earth, they hinder the Erection of the Building.

55. The evil Influence of Mars against Ships is much lessened, when he is placed neither in the tenth nor eleventh Houses of Heaven; for in either of those places he destroys the Ship; but if a Fixed Star of the Nature of Mars be in the Ascendant, the Ship will be Burnt.

56. From the New Moon to the Full, the humidity and moisture of Bodies doth increase; but from the full to the New Moon, it decreaseth.

57. Change your Physician when the seventh House and his Lord is afflicted.

58. Consider the place of the conjunction in which part of Heaven it falls from the Ascendant of the year; for when the Profection shall arise to that point, the event shall appear.

59. Judge not rashly that the absent person is dead, before thou considereth whether he is not Drunk, or say he hath received a wound, before you have inquired if he were not let Blood; or judge he shall find hid Treasure before you have searched whether he hath not taken something in Pawn of late; seeing the Figures of all these demands are so much alike.

60. In judging the state of Sick Persons, observe the Critical days, and the place of the Moon in the Angles of a Figure of 16 sides; for if those Angles shall be well affected, it will go well with the Sick; but if afflicted, judge the contrary.

61. The Moon signifies those things which are belonging to the Body, because they are most like her, according to her Nature.

62. Of thou shalt begin thy work from the minute of the conjunction, thou mayst give Judgment concerning the mutation of the Air in that Month; for according to the Nature of the principal Lord of the Angle of every Figure, so shall the effect be; for that Planet shall overrule the Constitution of the Air: Consider also with these things, the season of the year.

63. When Saturn and Jupiter come to conjunction, see which of them is most elevated, and judge according to his Nature; do the like in conjunction of the other Planets.

64. When thou hast considered the Lord of the Question, see what Essential Dignity he hath in the Querents Revolution, or in the Ascendant of the New Moon preceeding, and judge accordingly.

65. In the least Conjunction the difference of the middle, and in the middle Conjunction the difference of the greatest. Whether Ptolemy refers the sense of this Aphorism to the former, or whether he speaks it directly; for to be understood of it self, I know not; and so I leave it.

66. Use no Profection alone, but consider also the agreement of the other Stars, whether they give, or take away.

67. The years of the Native are diminished, by reason of the Imbecility of the giver of Life.

68. When a Malevolent Planet is Oriental, he signifies external hurt to the Body; but when Occidental, he signifies Diseases.

69. When the Moon shall be in opposition to the Sun, near Nebulous Fixed Stars, the Native shall receive dammage in his sight; but if the Moon shall be in the seventh House, and Saturn and Mars in the Horoscope, and the Sun in an Angle, he shall be blind.

70. They who Divine by a kind of Fury or Rage, have not Mercury in conjunction with the Moon in their Nativities, nor is either of those in their Ascendant, who are Demoniack, in such Mens Nativities by night Saturn possesseth that Angle, but by day Mars, especially in Cancer, Virgo, or Pisces.

71. When the two Lights shall be in Masculine Signs in Mens Nativities, their actions shall appear according to their Nature; but in the Nativities of Women, these things are more increased; judge the same of Mars and Venus, for they being Oriental, make the Native more manly; but Occidental, more Effeminate.

72. What things concern the Education of the Native, thou must take from the Lords of the Triplicity and Ascendant; but what concerns the life, must be taken from the Lords of the conditional Luminary.

73. If the Sun be found with Caput Algol, and not Aspected by a Benevolent Planet, or a Benevolent Planet in the eighth House, and the Dispositor of the conditional Light (that is the light of the time) shall be in square or opposition to Mars; he who is then born, shall be Beheaded; but if that Light shall Culminate, or be in the tenth House, his Body shall be wounded; if this Copulation is in Gemini or Pisces, his Hands and Feet shall be cut off or wounded.

74. He who hath Mars in his Horoscope, will surely have a Scar on his face.

75. When the Sun is joyned to the Lord of the Ascendant in Leo, and hath no Dignities in the Ascendant, and no Benevolent Planets in the eighth House, he that is then born shall be Burnt.

76. Saturn in the M.C. in opposition to the Light of the time, and an earthy Sign on the Cusp of the fourth House, the Native shall perish by the fall of a House, or something from on high; but if a watery Sign be in the fourth, he will be Drowned; if a Humane Sign be in the fourth, he will either be Killed or Hang'd; but if a fortunate Planet shall be in the eighth House, he shall be in danger of these Casualties; but yet evade them.

77. Direct the Ascendant for things belonging to the Body, the part of Fortune for External thing; the Moon for matters both of Body and Mind; the M.C. for the Actions, Magistery, or Profession of the Native.

78. Oftentimes a Planet operated in that part of Heaven where he hath no Dignity, giving the Native unexpected Wealth, which is thought to proceed from the Antiscions of the Planets.

79. He who hath Mars in his eleventh House at Birth, shall never prevail against his Master.

80. When Venus is joyned to Saturn, he having domination in the seventh House, he that is then born, will be desirous of a sordid Coition.

81. Future Events are discovered seven several ways. First, by the distance of the two Significators. Secondly, From their Aspects each to other. Thirdly, From their progress each to other. Fourthly, From the distance between themselves, or one of them from the place, signifying the thing desired. Fifthly, From the setting of that Star, which either helps or hinders the matter. Sixthly, From the mutation of the chief Significator. Seventhly, From the entrance of a Planet into his own Dignities.

82. In Judgment, when things are equally balanced, then have respect to the Ascendant of the New or Full Moon; and if that be also equal, defer your Judgment for that time. 83. The time when anyone intreatest any thing of the King, shews the affection between the King and Petitioner; but the time when it is granted, shews the inequality of the action depending thence.

84. When Mars is Lord of the Ascendant, at the time of entring upon any Possession and in the second, or joyned to the Lord of the second, gives great dammage and loss.

85. When the Lord of the Ascendant is in Aspect with the lord of the second, the Prince shall consume much Treasure of his own accord.

86. The Sun is the fountain of the vital Vigor, the Moon of the Natural.

87. Monthly Revolutions are finished in 28 days, two hours and 18 minutes; yet some judge those things from the progress of the Sun, he coming to the same degree and minute he was in at the beginning of the Month.

88. When we direct the Profection of the Part of Fortune for the whole years Revolution, we take it from the Sun to the Moon, and project it from the Ascendant.

89. What concerns the Grandfather, is sought from the seventh House; but for the Uncle, have recourse to the sixth.

90. When the chief Ruler beholds the Ascendant, the thing which lies undiscovered is of the Nature of the Ascendant; if he behold not the Ascendant, its quality shall be according to the Nature of the place where the Lord of the Horoscope is, the Lord of the hour shews the colour of the thing, the place of the Moon the time, which if she were above the earth, the thing is new; but if under, it is old; the part of Fortune shews its quantity or length, the Lords of the terms of the fourth and tenth Houses, and of the Moon shews its substance.

91. It is ill when the Lord of the Sick person is Combust, and the worse, if the Part of Fortune is unfortunated.

92. Saturn doth not much afflict the Sick when Oriental, nor Mars when he is Occidental.

93. In Questions do not give Judgment, before you consider the next subsequent New Moon; for the Beginnings of things are changed at every conjunction, therefore consider them together, and thou wilt not err.

94. The place of Heaven where the principal Significator is posited, doth shew the intent of the Querent.

95. Those images which arise with the several Decanates, they shew the Inclination of the Native to that Profession he handles.

96. The Significations of an Eclipse, shall be most visible, when the Eclipse is near an Angle; consider also the Stars in Aspect one with another, and not the Planets only, but the Fixed Stars also, the Constellations arising together with the Signs; and from thence frame your Judgment.

97. Things are suddenly brought to pass when the Lord of the New or Full Moon preceding, is angular in the Question.

98. Shooting Stars, and Blazing Stars, &c. have a secondary force upon Common affairs.

99. Shooting Stars, and other such like Apparitions, shew great Scissity in the Air, and if they were produced from one part only, it shews there shall be great winds produced from that quarter also; but if they were driven into several parts; it shews scarcity of Waters, a troubled Air, and incursions of Souldiers.

100. Comets whose distance from the Sun is eleven Signs, if they appear in an Angle, the King or a great Man, in some Kingdom shall dye; but if they appear in a succedent House, the Princes Attendants shall do well, yet shall some Kingdom change their Governour; but if they appear in a Cadent House, Diseases and sudden Deaths ensue; if they move from the West to the East, a Foreign Enemy shall invade several Kingdoms; but if the Comet move not, the Enemies shall be of the same Countrey, born and bred.


or Ptolomy's Centiloquium Englished
from Second Part, Chapter XX Clavis Astrologiae Elimata or A Key to the Whole Art of Astrology


I. A Te & Scientia; from thy self and Learning, for it cannot be, that he who isskilful should pronounce the particular forms of things; nor can the fancyundertake a particular, but general notion of the sensible matter; in suchthings we must use conjecture. None but those endued with Divine Inspiration predict particulars.

II. When he that consults shall better consider of it; he shall find there is small difference between the thing propounded, and the form thereof. Themeaning of Ptolomy is no more than this; viz. the sympathy any one shall observe that propounds his Question, betwixt the matter intended, and theposition of the Heavens at the time of its Proposition.

III. He that is inclinable to any Art, without doubt in his Nativity had someStar of the same Nature very well fortified.

IV. A natural inclination to any Knowledge attains more perfection therein,than one that shall take hard pains by learning to obtain it.

V. He that is skilful may divert many effects of the Stars when he knows theirNatures, and will prepare himself before their event or coming.

VI. The Election either of day or hour shall then advantage when it is constituted from the Nativity; otherwise, though the Election be well made, it will not profit.

VII. None can discern the mixture of the Stars, unless he first know theirnatural differences and mixtures one amongst another.

VIII. A judicious man helps forwards the Coelestial operations, even as thediscreet Husbandman assists Nature in his Ploughing and preparing the ground.

IX. In generation and corruption earthly formes are subordinate to the Coelestials; wherefore they that frame Images, do then make use of them, by observing when the Planets do enter into those Constellations or Formes, &c.

X. In Election of dayes and hours make use of the two Malevolent Planets Saturn and Mars; for even so doth the expert Physitian use poison moderately for cure of man.

XI. Make no election either of day or hour, before you know the quality of thething intended.

XII. Love and Hatred cause error in Judgment; for affection magnifies eventrifles, and envy as much depresseth weighty things.

XIII. When the position of Heaven shall signifie any thing to come to pass, makeuse in the business as assistants of the Malevolent Planets, though in thequestion they were not friendly.

XIV. The Astrologer plunges himself into many Errors, when the Cusp of the seventh House, and Lord thereof are unfortunate or afflicted.

XV. The Ascendants of a Kingdoms Enemies, are those Signes which decline from the Ascendant of the Kingdom; the Ascendant of the Kingdoms Friends are the Sign of the Angles, and of the Signes succeeding those Angles; the same is considerable in the rising or beginnings of Sects and Schisms.

XVI. When benevolent Planets have dominion in the eighth house & are ill dignified, he that is then born shall receive damage from honest men; but if those Planets be well affected, the contrary shall happen. Being demanded of the length of an old mans life, be not rash to give yourJudgment before you have considered or measured according to hisNativity, how long he may live according to Nature.

XVII. Being demanded of the length of an old man's life, be not rash to give your Judgment before you have considered or measured according to his Nativity, how long he may live according to Nature.

XVIII. When the Sun and Moon are in one and the self same degree and minute at thetime of any ones Birth, and a benevolent Planet is Lord of the Ascendant,the Native at that time born, shall be fortunate in all his Actions; the same shall happen if the two Lights be in opposition, the one in the Ascendant,the other in the seventh house so qualified as before: but if an infortune beplaced in the Ascendant, you may well judge the contrary

XIX. A Purging Medicine shall not operate so effectually, when the Moon is conjunciton with Jupiter.

XX. Draw not Blood from that Member, whilst the Moon is in a Sign Representingthe same. The meaning whereof is this that if you find at any time the Moon in Gemini (which signifies the Arms) to be unfortunately afflicted of Saturn or Mars in Sagittarius, Virgo or Pisces it’s not then sayes he, so good to let blood at that time, as when she hath made her progress out of that Signe: many expert Physitians now living know the truth hereof

XXI. When the the Moon is in Scorpio or Pisces, and the Lord of the Ascendant in Aspect to a Planet under the earth, it’s good to give purging Medicines: but if the Lord of the Ascendant apply to a Planet above the Earth, it’s probable the sick shall vomit up his potion.

XXII. Neither cut out, or first put on a new Garment while the the Moon is in the sign Leo; if she then be unfortunate its so much the worse: this Aphorisme smells of the Superstition of the Arabians and pertains to Elections. Mr. Lilly saith,once casually, without inspection to the position of the the Moon, he put on a new Suit, the the Moon being in Leo, and ill dignified, and tore many holes in the Suit going a Nutting, within a fortnight after; nor did that Suit ever do him anys ervice: yet we must not be superstitious, but modest in our Elections, only use them as natural helps.

XXIII. The Aspect of the the Moon, or her conjunction with the Planets, inclines the Native to be moveable in his disposition; if the Planets be strong, they shew him to be active, or full of spirit; but if they be ill fortified, they incline to sluggishness

XXIV. An Eclipse of the the Sun or the Moon in the, Angles of a Nativity or yearly Revolution,is obnoxious; but we take the time thereof from the distance which is between the degree Ascending and place Eclipsed: and as in a Solar Eclipse we give or allow for each hour one year; so for every hour in a Lunar Eclipse, we admit one moneth for the effects continuance.

XXV. Direct the Medium Coeli of a Nativity by the Table of right Ascentions, but the Ascendant by the Oblique Ascentions under the elevation of the Pole where the Native was born, &c.

XXVI. The matter of any question is obscured when the Planet signifying it is either under the Earth or joyned to the the Sun in an obscure House: but is manifested, where Planet is brought out of his depression into his altitude,and posited in his proper Sphere or Element.

XXVII. Venus demonstrates that member to be neatly formed or shaped,in which she is posited at time of Birth; the like do the ether Planets.

XXVIII. In Elections, if you cannot fortifie the the Moon by her joyning to, or aspecting oftwo Planets, see that she be neer some fixed Stars of that nature your Planet ought to have been of, &c.

XXIX. The fixed Stars do design immeasurable and admirable preferments, which notwithstanding determine in unusual Calamities, unless the Planets concur in judgment, or be in conjunction with them.

XXX. Consider well the time of the Coronation or Creating the first King of any Kingdome; for if the Ascendant of his or their Coronation concur with the Ascendant of the Kings Son, he shall then be successor to his Father.

XXXI. When the Principal Significator of a Kingdom shall come to hisClimacterical year, either then the King of that Kingdom shall dye, or someof the most eminent Heroes of that Nation: this was verified in the death of a Valiant Worthy Person, and true Lover of his Countrey, that Deceased some year since in England

XXXII. An amicable Aspect of the Stars doth conduce much to the Friendship oftwo persons; but if you will know the quality of the thing wherein they shall agree, you must observe that from both their Nativities.

XXXIII. From the Benevolent or Malevolent positure of the the Sun and the Moon, and eachothers ascending sign at time of birth is discerned the love or hatred betwixt any two: those Signes which we call obedient, do encrease unity and Friendship.

XXXIV. That Planet who hath most dignities in the degree wherein the the Moon changes,if he be Cardinal, viz. in an Angle, he doth demonstrate the principal actions of that month: this is of most force in the change of weather, &c.

XXXV. When the the Sun by transit shall come to the degree of the Zodiack, whereinany principal Significator, viz. Planet is, he makes that Planet more activein such things as concern change of Air or Weather.

XXXVI. In the new Construction of any City, make use of the Adjuvant fixed Stars;in building Houses take the Planets: those Cities that in the time of their foundation have Mars culminating, their Princes usually dye by the Sword.

XXXVII. Who hath the Sign of Virgo or Pisces in their Horoscope they shall attainpreferment by their own industry and worth; but they who have Aries or Libra their Ascendant shall wilfully or innocently be the cause of their owndeaths

XXXVIII. When Mercury shall be well fortified or placed in either of the houses of Saturn in anyones Nativity, the Native hath a divining Soul, and is capable of prying farinto matters; if he be placed in the house of Mars, especially in Aries, he inclinesto eloquence.

XXXIX. .If the eleventh house be unfortunate, at what time a King is Crowned, it’san Argument his domestic Servants shall thrive little by him, or will that King grow Rich; but if the second House of the Figure be afflicted, it shews his Subjects shall be impoverished under his Government

XL. When the Sign Ascending is besieged or infortunated by the malignantPlanets, he who is then born will delight in course actions, and in his senseof smelling shall take pleasure in filthy odours.

XLI. When thou settest forth upon any Journey, beware that the eighth house and Lord thereof be fortunate; when you return, in the same manner have regard to the second House and his Lord.

XLII. A Disease or sickness first beginning, whilest the the Moon is in a sign wherein a Malevolent was in the Nativity, or in square or Opposition thereunto, will prove very grievous; and if at that time she is in ill aspect to an Infortune, it will bevery dangerous; but of at the first Decumbiture she do possess the degreewhere a Fortune was, there’s little danger.

XLIII. .The Infortunate Planets do impedite those matters which they performed according to natural existence, as Matrimony: but what things areacted according to Nature, and not unto Laws or Customes; or those affairswhich neither are performed naturally, or according to Laws; such thingsreceive destruction from the fortunes. I must truly acknowledge, neitherPontanus or Trapezuntius, have given any light to this Aphorisme; I have followed Haly: it’s as followeth in Pontanus. Contrary Configurations of the times do intend or remit the obnoxious figures of a Nation. Utrum horum mavis accipe ["Take whichever you prefer"].

XLIV. .When the Figure Erected at the beginning of any sickness is contrary to that of the Nativity, if no propitious thing be then in force, the sick party is liketo be in great Peril.

XLV. Whosoever hath not the Predominant Planets of his Nativity in humane Signes, will be little sociable, and not very humane.

XLVI. Excellent prosperity is designed in Men’s Geniture from the fixed Stars,and from the Angles of the preceding Lunations, and from the degree of the Part of Fortune, when the degree ascending at the Birth chances to be the same

XLVII. When in any ones Nativity a Malignant Planet is placed where a Fortunewas in anothers Geniture, he who hath the Fortune so placed, shall receiveprejudice from him that had the Infortune so posited.

XLVIII. When the Medium Coeli, of a King’s Nativity is the Horoscope of a Subject,or the principal Dominators are in benevolent Configuration, they shallcontinue inseparable: judge the like when a Servants sixth House is the Ascendant of his Master: it may be thought the late Duke of Buckingham had such a one,

XLIX. When the Ascendant of a Subject shall culminate in his Princes Nativity, hisLord shall so entrust him, that he will be ruled by him. This must beunderstood of such of the Nobility or Gentry that have offices orcommands in Princes Services.

L. .[N.B.] Forget not in general Judgments the one hundred and nineteen Conjunctions: in well considering these, you shall understand what will bedone in the world both of Generation and Corruption. What the Conjunction are, and how to understand them, you may have course to Mr.Lilly’s Prophetical Merlin, fol. 51

LI. In what Sign the the Moon is at the time of Birth, make that Sign the Ascendant inConception; and in what sign she is found at the Conception, make that orits opposite the Sign Ascending at the Birth

LII. The Lords of the Genitures of men of tall Statue are in their sublimities, and their Horoscopes in the beginning of Signes: but the Lords of their Nativities who are of short stature, are found in their Falls: Together with this, enquire whether the Signes be of Right or Oblique Ascention

LIII. The Lords of the Genitures of lean men have no latitude, but of fat menthey have: if the latitude he South, the Native will be nimble; if North, more Sluggish.

LIV. When the Principal Lords in Buildings are joyned unto a Planet under theearth, they hinder the erection of the Buildingthe erection.

LV. The malitious influence of Mars against Ships is lessened when he is neitherplaced in the tenth or eleventh House of Heaven; in either of those places,he destroys the Ship, Thieves surprizing and possessing her by force; butthe Ship wall be Fired if the Ascendant be afflicted by any fixed Star of themixture of Mars.

LVI. When the the Moon is in her first quarter, that is, from the time she is recededfrom the the Sun's Conjunction, the moistures of Bodies do flow, until hersecond quarter, at other times they decrease.

LVII. Change your Physitian when you shall see the seventh House and his Lordafflicted in any Sickness.

LVIII. Consider the place of the conjunction, in which part of Heaven it falls to be from theAscendant of the year; for (p. 323) when the Profection shall arise unto thatpart of Heaven then shall the event appear.

LIX. Pronounce not rashly that the absent person shall dye, before thou considerest whether he be not drunken; or say that he hath received a Wound, before you have enquired whether he were not let blood, or do you judge that he shall find Treasure, before you have searched out, whether perchance he took nothing to pledge of late, seeing the Figures of all these demands are alike.

LX. In consideration of the sick, behold the Critical dayes, and the peragration of the the Moon by the angles of a figure of sixteen sides; for where you shall find those angles well affected, it will fall out well to the sick party: On the contrary, it will fall out ill if you find them afflicted. How to set a Figure of sixteen sides, see Mr. Lilly’s Introduction, page 294

LXI. The the Moon signifieth those things which appertain unto the Body, as what have resemblance unto her in regard to her motion.

LXII. When you shall make the minute of a conjunction your Basis or Radix, you may give judgment of the change of Weather in that moneth; for your judgment shall be framed according to the principal Dominator of the Angle of every Figure, for that Planet overcomes in the Nature of the Aire; assuming together with these things the Quality of the present time, viz. the season of the year.

LXIII. When Saturn and Jupiter make their conjunction, see which of them is most elivated, and pronounce judgment according unto his nature: do the like upon all the Conjunctions of the other Planets.

LXIV. When thou hast considered the Lord of the Question, see what Essential Dignity he hath in the Querens annual Revolution, or in the Ascendant of the new the Moon preceding, and give judgment accordingly.

LXV. .In minima Conjunctione, diferentia media conjunctionis, & in mediamaxima conjunctionis diferentia. [In the least conjunction, the difference of the mean conjunction, and in the mean conjunction the difference of the greatest conjunction.]

LXVI. Use not profection alone, but also the [and] agreement of the Interficient and benevolent Planets and their Aspects. This Aphorism hath relation unto Nativities, and is for discovery of the true time of the Natives Death.

LXVII. The years of the Native are deminished and made much shorter, by reason of the imbicility of the giver of Life

LXVIII. A malevolent Planet when he is Matutine, signifies a fall, when Vespertine, a Disease.

LXIX. There will be a blemish in the Native’s sight when the the Moon is in Opposition to the the Sun,and is neer to Nebulous or Cloudy fixed Stars; or when the the Moon is in the seventh House, and both Saturn and Mars in the Horoscope: but if together with this the the Sun be angular, the Native will quite lose his sight.

LXX. Mercury is not in conjunction with the the Moon in their Nativities, who divine by a kind of fury of things to come, or is either of them in the Ascendant of those who are Doemoniack, in such a kind of a Figure in the night time Saturn sha11 possess that angle, but in the day time Mars, especially in Virgo or Pisces.

LXXI. In mens Nativities, when both the the Sun and the Moon shall be in Masculine Signs,their actions shall appear according to the Nature thereof: but in the Nativities of Women, these very Actions are augmented. Judge the samething of Mars and Venus, or being matutine, they incline to be more manly; but Vespertine they are effeminate.

LXXII. Require such things as concern the Native’s Education from the Lords ofthe Triplicity of the Ascendant: what may concern life, must be derivedfrom the Lords of the triangularity of the conditional Luminary.

LXXIII. Where the the Sun is found to be with Caput Algol, if then he is neither Aspected by a benevolent Planet, or that a benign Planet doth govern theeighth House, and the Disposer of the temporal Light shall be in Opposition to Mars or afflicts him with a square Aspect, he that then is borne shall be beheaded: But ifthe Light shall culminate, or be in the tenth House, his Body shall be wounded: if this Copulation be in Gemini or Pisces, his hands and feet shallbe cut off

LXXIV. Who hath Mars in the Ascendant of his Nativity will not fail to have a Scar in his Face

LXXV. When the the Sun is joyned unto the Lord of the Ascendant in Leo, or that Mars hath no prerogative in the Ascendant, or no benevolent Planet is placed in the eighth House, he that is born under such a constellation shall be burned, viz. shall dye by fire.

LXXVI. When Saturn possesseth the tenth House, viz. is posited therein, and the temporal Light of the time is in his Opposition, and an earthly Signe is in the fourth, he who is then born shall perish by the ruine or fall of houses or buildings:if the Signe of the fourth be a Watry Signe, he will dye in the water or bywater, viz.. he will be drowned: if the Signe of the fourth be humane, he will dye by the hands of Man, viz,. will either be hanged or strangled, &c., but if a benevolent Planet is posited in the eighth, he will be neer to death by such accidents or casualties as aforesaid, but shall evade and not dye thereby.

LXXVII. Make use of, or direct the Profection of the Ascendant for such things asconcern the body; direct the ⊕ for external or outward things; the the Moon forsuch things as concern both the body and the mind; the M.C. for theactions, Magistery or Professions, &c.

LXXVIII. A Planet doth many times exercise his influence in that part of the heaven wherein he hath no Essential Dignity, bringing unto the Native unlooked for Wealth. This hath relation unto the Antiscions of the Planets.

LXXIX. When Mars is in the eleventh House of Heaven, he that hath him so posited,shall not have dominion over his Master or Lord.

LXXX. When Venus is joyned unto Saturn, and he hath any dominion in the seventh House, he that is then born will be sordidi coitus.

LXXXI. The times of the events are discovered seven manner of ways: first, fromthe intervall or distance of the two Lords or Rulers: secondly, fromthe distance of their Configuration each unto other: thirdly, by their access each unto other: fourthly, from the interval betwixt themselves, or the one of them, from the place signifying the thing desired or looked after: fifthly,from the setting of that Star which gives assistance or impediment: sixthly, from the mutation of the Principal significant Planet: seventhly, from theaccess of a Planet unto his own proper place.

LXXXII. When the figures of the new and full the Moon are equal, behold the Ascendant,which if that be also equal, then defer your judgment for that time.

LXXXIII. The time of craving any thing at the King hands, doth shew the affection betwixt the King and the Petitioner; viz. the time when the Petitioner receives the Dignity granted him, shall shew the quality of action depending upon the preferment, &c.

LXXXIV. When Mars is Lord of the Ascendant at the time of taking any Possession, and doth also govern the second House, or is in conjunction with the Lord of the second,he brings much damage or loss

LXXXV. When the Lord of the Ascendant is in configuration with the Lord of thesecond, the Prince or Lord shall willingly consume much Treasure. This hath relation to the two preceding Aphorisms.

LXXXVI. The the Sun is the Fountain of Vital Power, the the Moon of Natural.

LXXXVII. .Monthly Conversions consist of twenty eight dayes, two hours, and abouteighteen minutes; but some there are who judge them from the peregration of the the Sun when he is equated partilely unto the degree and minute he was in at the beginning of the moneth.

LXXXVIII. When we direct the Profection of the ⊕ for the whole year of a Revolution,we take it from the the Sun to the the Moon, and project it only from the Ascendant.

LXXXIX. Require what concerns the Grand-father from the seventh house, but theUnckle from the sixth House.

XC. When the Lord of the Ascendant doth behold the Ascendant, the thing which lies undiscover’d is of the nature of the Ascendant: if he behold not the Ascendant, its quality shall be according to the nature of the place where the Lord of the Ascendant is; the Lord of the hour demonstrates the colours, but the place of the the Moon the times: if that place of the the Moon be above theearth, the thing or matter is new; if under the Earth, old: the Part of Fortune shews its quantity, whether it be long or short; the Lords of the Terms of the fourth and tenth houses, and of the the Moon, shew its Substance.

XCI. It’s an ill Sign when the Lord of the sick party is combust, especially if the⊕ be afflicted.

XCII. Saturn being Oriental, doth not so much oppress the sick body, nor doth Mars when he is Occidental.

XCIII. In questions do not pronounce judgment before you consider the next subsequent New Moon; for the first beginnings are varied in every conjunction,wherefore mix both together, and you shall not err.

XCIV. The place of Heaven wherein the principal and most powerful Significatoris posited, doth declare such things as are in the thoughts of the Querent to be demanded.

XCV. Those Images which do arise with the several Decanates, they declare theInclination of the Native to that Profession he handles. What these are, see Scaliger upon Manilius or Johannes Angelus.

XCVI. The Significations of an Eclipse shall be most apparent when the Eclipse is neer unto an Angle: consider also the nature of the Stars in Configurationto one other, as well of the Erratical Planets as of the fixed Stars; so also the Images co-arising with the Signe Ascending, and pronounce Judgment accordingly. By Image he means Asterismes, of which see Maginus, Origanus, and Argol.

XCVII. The matter or thing in question which is demanded, will be performed in short time, when either the Lord of the new or full the Moon is Cardinal.

XCVIII. Blazing stars, and shootings of the Stars in the Aire (or prodigious Apparitions therein) have a second Signification in mundane affairs; viz.Eclipses are in the Heavens, but apparitions in the Air, therefore eventsportended by Eclipses are first preferred.

XCIX. Fiery Apparitions shew want of Rain, or a dry Aire, which if they are carryed or moved unto one part of Heaven, they declare Wind to come from that Quarter of Heaven: but if those Apparitions are caryed diversly,or into sundry parts, they shew scarcity of Rain or Waters, the Elements often troubled, and the incursions of Armies.

C. Comets, whose Distance is eleven Signes from the the Sun, if they appear in Angles, the King of some Kingdom, or one of the Principal men of the Kingdome will dye; but if they appear in a succedent House, his Treasures are like to do well, yet shall the King or Kingdome change their Governour:if they appear in a cadent or obscure House, Diseases, and sudden Deaths will succeed: if they move from the West toward the East, a foreign Enemy shall invade several Kingdoms and Countries: if the Comet move not the Enemy shall be Provincial.

Learning More About Astrological Magic & Talismans

If you are interested in astrological magic and astrological talismans the Renaissance Astrology website is an excellent resource with over 300 pages of material on traditional astrology and magic. Here is a useful page on Astrology and Magic Books some of which are available directly from Renaissance Astrology, links are provided for other useful book sources.

Check out the Renaissance Astrology Facebook page, and the Spiritus Mundi Discussion Group to learn and be part of the Renaissance Astrology community.

For those that desire to delve deeper into Astrology and magic I offer my Planetary Magic Mini-Course and Mansions of the Moon Mini-Course, Decan/Face Mini-Course, and Green Magic Mini-Course which allow students to immediately start making talismans and elections and are a great introduction to my longer Astrological Magic Course.

Please Contact me with any questions about taking Renaissance Astrology courses.