Fixed Stars in Renaissance Astrology and Magic
Christopher Warnock, Esq.
Fixed Stars Indicating Violent Death from
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William Lilly

Book Three, Page 649

Aphorisms of the Fixed Stars

Baldung 3 Ages of Woman Death
The Sun with Caput Algol [26 Taurus] in no aspect of a Fortune, or one posited in the 8th, the Dispositor of the Light of the time in opposition of Mars or in square, the Native will be Beheaded; if the Luminary culminate, his Body will be either wounded or torne to pieces whilst he is yet living; if Mars be at this time in Gemini or Pisces, his Hands or Feet will be cut off.
If in the 7th, 9th, 10th, 11th or 1st house, Mars be with Arcturus [24 Libra], and the Moon with Hercules, [fixed star Pollux at 21 Cancer] the Native will dye by Suffocation: an Infortune in the 7th, 4th, llth, 12th houses, with Oculus Taurus, [Aldebaran, 9 Gemini] and the Moon with the Scorpions Heart [Antares 9 Sagittarius] the Native will perish by some sudden thrust with a Sword or Dart, or by a sudden Fall, &c.
If Saturn be with Cor Scorpio [Antares 9 Sagittarius] and Moon with Oculus Taurus [Aldebaran, 9 Gemini] the Native will be Hanged, or killed with the stroke of a Sword: say the same when Mars is so posited.
In whose Nativities an Infortune is with the head of Medusa [Algol 26 Taurus] and the Moon with the bright Starre in Aquarius [Sadalmelik 3 Pisces] such shall dye by the command of their Prince a violent death, either by beheading or Hanging.
If the Infortune be so posited, and the Moon with Lucida Hydrae, [? Alphard 27 leo] the Native will perish by Water or Poyson. But it's ever considerable that the Infortune be angular; the neerer to the cusp of midheaven, cusp of the ascendant or 7th, the more certainty of a violent death. Some are of Opinion, If the Infortune be in the llth, 9th or 8th, the same judgment will hold.
If Sun and Mars be above the earth with the cadent Vultur [Vega 15 Capricorn] and the Moon with the lesser Dogstarre [Procyon 25 Cancer] the Native will dye by the biting of a mad Dogge; an Infortune with the Navill of Pegasus [Alpheratz 14 Aries] and the Moon with the furious Dog-star, [Sirius 14 Cancer] the Native will dye by some fiery, cutting Weapon, or by hurt from Beasts.
An Infortune with the Navill of Pegasus [Alpheratz 14 Aries] and the Moon with the bright Starre of Lyra [Vega 15 Capricorn] the Native will perish by some violent death.
An Infortune with the Back of Pegasus [Algenib 9 Aries] and the Moon with the Girdle of Orion [Mintaka, Alnilam and Alnitak 22-23 Gemini] the Native will be Drowned: But when the Moon is in the place of the Infortune, and he in hers, the Native will be killed by the hands of Men.
The Moon with the Pleiades [29 Taurus] and an Infortune with Cor Leonis [Regulus 29 Leo] the Native will either lose one or both his Eyes.
Mars with the Pleiades[29 Taurus] and Saturn with Cor Leonis [Regulus 29 Leo] the Native shall be slaine in a Tumult.
I might have recorded many other Aphorisnes, but because without a serious mixture of judgment with the principall Significators, they doe not of themselves operate to such purposes as the Ancients have delivered; which judgment resteth in the Brest of every Artificer, how to make a right understanding of them; therefore I leave the care of wading further herein to the Student, assuring him, that those Aphorismes before recited are the most choycest I know my selfe, whereof I have found many of them verified in such Nativities as my selfe have judged.


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