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Electional Astrology
Christopher Warnock, Esq.
When Should I Quit Smoking?
The Astrology of Addiction

Early Smoker

Electional Astrology
Quit Smoking Election Example
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Qutting smoking is difficult, so it makes sense to pick a time when things are moving in your favor.
Using electional astrology allows us to align ourselves with the cycles in the Heavens that control events here on Earth.
Given the significant health effects of smoking, you are doing yourself a great service by quitting.
In the Middle Ages and Renaissance, kings and nobles frequently sought the advice of astrologers in choosing auspicious times to take. Now these ancient techniques are available to you. Picking an appropriate time to quit smoking can help ensure its continuation and success.

Choosing an Astrologically Auspicious Times to Quit Smoking


Devil of Tobacco
If possible, the election will be tuned to the natal chart of the elector (person using the election). See the example here of a Quit Smoking Election Example. Due to astrological factors this may not be possible, but an effective election can still be found.
In this type of election because we are seeking to remove an addiction or bad habit, we would want the Moon to be waning. In the Picatrix, a encyclopedic work of Arabic astrological magic, it states,

And if you find the Moon increasing in light then her strength and power is good and useful in all works to bring about increase and if you find the light [of the Moon] diminishing it is suitable and harmonious for all works in which you wish diminution.

Picatrix, Bk. II, ch.3, (translation by Christopher Warnock, Esq.)
In addition, we would also like to include Mars in the election. Nicolas Culpepper, in his English Physician, a famous herbal, states that tobacco is under the rulership of Mars. English Physician,page 240, available in the Renaissance Astrology CD Library.
Finally, because we seek to quit smoking, we will make use of separating aspects, which in Traditional Astrology, indicate things happening in the past or things we seek to get away from.

How do I Order an Election to Quit Smoking?


To ask "When Should I Quit Smoking?" please Contact by phone or e-mail me. I also need to know:
  • The range of times and dates available,
  • It is useful to have your birth chart, so please also provide me with your exact time, date and place of birth. While elections can still be performed without this information, they cannot be fine tuned to fit the astrological profile of the people involved.

For payment information for elections a election including payment options and cost please follow the Order Link. Please Contact me for further order information.

What Does An Electional Analysis Consist Of?


As soon as your payment is received I will call you or e-mail you with the election of time and date. I will then mail you a detailed written analysis of your election, along with all relevant astrological information. An astrological chart can be provided if desired. The analysis takes about a week from the time payment is received. Each election receives my personal attention as Renaissance astrology is too complex to be produced by a computer program. I am also available for further discussion of your marriage election via e-mail and phone after you receive your written analysis.
Note that due to the constant changes in the Heavens, the large number of astrological factors considered and the precision of traditional astrology, that elections consist not of a "lucky day", but of an exact time range, e.g. 2:23-3:34 pm, on a particular day.


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Specializing in Horary Astrology, Electional Astrology Astrological Magic and Astrological Talismans.

Copyright 2000-2001, Christopher Warnock, All Rights Reserved.