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Christopher Warnock, Esq.
"When Will We Get Paid?"
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Example Of Actual Delineation for the Question:
"Will we get Electronic Funds Transfer and when?"

Time of Question: 2:55 pm (EST), December 25, 2000
Place of Question: Washington, D.C. 77W03 38N55
Regiomontanus Houses

This question came about because I was assisting a business associate with billing the government. All payments are by electronic funds transfer ("EFT") into his bank account which was suddenly closed without his consent due to his overdrawing the account. A very large EFT transfer from the General Services Administration ("GSA") didn't make it into the account before it was closed and as I asked the question we didn't know where the money was or if we would even get it at all.
In this chart, Gemini rises and it is Jupiter hour. Jupiter rules the airy triplicity by day and night, so the chart is radical. Mercury ruler of the 1st and our significator is peregrine and thus weak in the 8th of my partner's money, but cazimi as it is at 4 degrees 22 minutes of Capricorn and the Sun is at 4 degrees 21 minutes. This is an extremely close conjunction. The ruler of the 10th of government is Saturn, dignified by face and term, but fast retrograde in the malefic 12th. The ruler of the 11th of the government's money is Jupiter, in detriment, conjunct the ascendant. Jupiter is retrograde. The ruler of the 2nd of our money is the Moon, who is peregrine, in detriment and going from combustion, in the 8th. She is separating from a conjunction of Mercury, our significator indicating that our money is separating from us.
Ordinarily, I would not be too sanguine about getting the money. Our significator is peregrine, our money, represented by the Moon, is weak and afflicted and the government's money, the ultimate source of our money, is also afflicted.
However, it is very heartening to see Mercury cazimi, within one minute of a perfect conjunction with the Sun. William Lilly the famous 17th century English astrologer says that, "...all Authors doe hold a planet in Cazimi to be fortified thereby." Christian Astrology [1647] page 113. Nice to see Part of Fortune in 1st disposed by Mercury. As well, the government's money, signified by the 11th ruler, Jupiter, is in the first, indicating that it is coming to us/me. Finally, Jupiter is retrograde which is a good sign for lost things.
Finally, we note that while the Moon, significator of our money is separating from our significator Mercury, the separation is still less than a degree. Lilly says even a minute of separation in a aspect means that the event is in the past or will not come about. Christian Astrology [1647] page 110. The medieval astrologer Guido Bonatti generally agrees with this, but says that if the separation is greater than a minute but less than a degree, then, "Yet may a thing possibly in such a case be brought to pass, but not without extraordinary labour and trouble." Animae Astrologiae (JustUs ed.) page 9. In this case Moon, 2nd house ruler has only barely separated a degree. Previously I've had this sort of money question with this type of short separation. In that case, I got the money, but it was a serious hassle.
So my prediction was that we'd get the money, but it would be a serious hassle, due to debilitated significators and short separation.


On 1-19-01 after major run around, we got call from GSA saying transfer made. Just need to check with partner. [This turns out to be overly optimistic].
The money finally transferred to partner's account on January 26, 2001 after major hassles: faxed new bank number to wrong GSA office, wrong bank routing number, court Finance Office gets irritated, GSA fails to do proper transfer and EFT doesn't post for 3 days.


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