House Based: Wealth/Success & Dream Talismans
Moon Talismans - Safety, Visions, Growth
Mercury Talismans- Wealth, Business, Esoteric Arts, Study
Venus Talismans - Love, Art, Music
Sun Talismans - Promotion, Success, Health, Wealth
Mars Talismans - Strength, Determination, Victory
Jupiter Talismans - Wealth, Good Fortune, Wisdom
Saturn Talismans - Wisdom, Esoteric Arts, Longevity
Fixed Star Talismans-Wealth, Wisdom, Happiness, etc
Protection Talismans-Spiritual & Enemy Protection
Mansion Talismans- Wealth, Success, Love, etc.
Currently Available Paper Talismans
Introduction to Astrological Talismans & Amulets
Renaissance Astrology Talismans in the British Museum
Sources for Astrological Talismans & Amulets
Learning Astrological Magic and How to Make Astrological Talismans & Amulets
Introduction to Renaissance Astrology Talismans
"Do I Need to Wear the Talisman?" & Talisman Use
Talisman Scores
Checking Talismans Against Your Natal Chart
Fixed Star Talismans as Alternatives for Afflicted Natal Planets
Types of Astrological Talismans & Amulets
Introduction to Planetary Talismans & Amulets Example Charts
Introduction to Fixed Star Talisman Example Charts
Introduction to Mansions of the Moon Talismans Example Charts
Introduction to Talismans of the 36 Decans/Faces & Example Charts
Introduction to House Based Full Chart Talisman Example Charts
Talisman comes from the Greek telesma meaning consecrated or sacred object. Amulet comes from the Latin amuletum and refers more narrowly to objects with an apotropaic or protective function. The key to astrological talismans and amulets is the timing of their creation which is determined by electional astrology.
Unless talismans are created at an astrologically auspicious time as well as being ritually consecrated they are nothing more than jewelry with astrological designs, lacking any magical or spiritual charge. alisman comes from the Greek telesma meaning consecrated or sacred object. Talismans represent the logical extension of a spiritual world view and have been a part of Western culture for thousands of years.
Renaissance Magi like Marsilio Ficino, in his Marsilio Ficino's Theories of Astrological Magic and Cornelius Agrippa in Cornelius Agrippa's Theories of Astrological Magic saw the entire Cosmos as one great, interconnected Being, a system based on intricate harmony, sympathy and correspondence, both spiritual and material. Astrology, Alchemy and Magic were seen as the preparatory studies for Hermetic Gnosis, a practical way of experiencing the unity of the Cosmos.
The Renaissance Astrology website provides resources for both students and practitioners of authentic medieval and Renaissance astrological magic. All of the information on the website has been carefully researched from authentic traditional sources and meticulously cited for further reading and study. Those who find their interest piqued learn can learn how to create talismans for themselves in accordance with the ancient Western esoteric system.
The British Museum was founded in 1753 and is one of the largest and most important museums in the world with its comprehensive collections totaling over seven million objects. It has one of the foremost collections in the world of magical items and objects. Renaissance Astrology is proud that two of its authentic astrological talismans have been made a part of the permanent collection of the British Museum.
The Mercury table talisman and the Venus table talisman are described as "Twenty-first century version of a silver Hebrew Renaissance style planetary talisman based upon a design first described by Cornelius Agrippa in 1531."
The addition of Renaissance Astrology talismans to the British Museum shows our committment to traditional astrology and traditional philosophy and to preserving and teaching this ancient art.
For Renaissance astrological magic our key printed sources for talismans and amulets are Cornelius Agrippa's encyclopedic Three Books of Occult Philosophy, in particular Agrippa's Planetary Talismans and Marsilio Ficino's fascinating Three Books on Life. The association of astrology and astrological magic with evil spirits created a chill with regard to publication of texts on these subjects in the Renaissance.
However, there are several other interesting printed sources including The Supreme Mysteries also known as the Archidoxes of Magic attributed to Paracelsus and Mysterium Sigillorum by Israel Hibner.
A considerable number of astrological magic texts circulated in the medieval and Renaissance period in manuscript. Frank Klassen provides an interesting list of library holdings of Manuscripts of Astrological Image Magic. One of the most important manuscripts of astrological magic was the Picatrix or Ghayat al Hikam, "the Aim of the Wise". This book, written circa AD 1000 and translated into Latin in 1256 at the court of Alphonso the Wise of Castile, was probably the most influential of all astrological magic texts. Both Agrippa and Ficino cite the Picatrix extensively. Here is our complete English translation of Picatrix.
Another key text is De Imaginibus "On Images" by the Harranian Sabian sage Thabit Ibn Qurra. This text, newly translated and published by Renaissance Astrology, represents the most sophisticated astrological magic ever practiced, using as it does, the entire repertoire of traditional Electional Astrology.
The Book of the Treasure of Alexander, translated and published by Renaissance Astrology, is a 10th century Arabic Hermetic source with over 30 fascinating astrological talismans and original talismanic images. Another interesting source for ceremonial magic using astrology are the Pentacles from the Greater Key of Solomon.
Another fascinating text that includes astrological talismans is the Shams Al-Ma'arif, the "Sun of Wisdom" an early modern Sufi text which uses Arabic letter magic, magic squares, Quranic verses and the names of Allah along with astrological timing to create talismans. Here is a translation of a section that includes talismanic instructions on the divine name Al-Alim the "All Knowing" .
There are also a large number of translations from authentic Renaissance and medieval astrological magic sources available on the Renaissance Astrology web site including translations from Picatrix, as well as Planetary Rings from the Treasure of Alexander, Hermes on the 15 Fixed Stars, Albertus Magnus on the Talismans of the Signs of the Zodiac and Constellations, The Images & Figures of Hermes, Seals of Stones of Solomon and the Seals & Sigils of Chael as well as Saturn Rings from Magia Astrologica. Learn about Black, White & Red Algol
If you are interested in astrological magic and astrological talismans, the best way to learn is through the Renaissance Astrology astrology and magic courses, which include shorter, more focused mini-courses and the comprehensive full courses. The full Astrological Magic Course teaches the full range of traditional astrological magic including planetary, lunar mansion, fixed star, decan/face and house based talismans.
You can get a great introduction to astrological magic with the Planetary Magic Mini-Course, Mansions of the Moon Mini-Course and the Decan/Face Mini-Course as well as the Green Magic Mini-Course which allow you to learn and immediately put to use specific types of astrological talismans.
In addition to our courses the Renaissance Astrology website is an excellent resource with over 300 pages of material on traditional astrology and astrological magic. Here is a useful page on Astrology and Magic Books some of which are available directly from Renaissance Astrology, links are provided for other useful book sources.
Also check out the Renaissance Astrology Facebook page, the Renaissance Astrology blog and the Spiritus Mundi Yahoo Discussion Group to learn and be part of the Renaissance Astrology community. Also for those interested in advanced traditional astrology and astrological magic and their use as a spiritual path we have the Renaissance Astrology Inner Circle that includes the Inner Circle Marginalia newsletter.
Renaissance Astrology is proud to present authentic astrological talismans. Astrological pentacles and mirrors are also examples of different types of astrological talismans. Here is How to Choose a Talisman. The key to the creation of astrological talismans is that they must be created and take on their final form at a time that has been elected, i.e. properly selected, using the appropriate astrological factors. For example, the basic recipe for a planetary talisman is that the planet be:
Dignified (usually by sign or exaltation)
Rising or culminating (within at least 8-10 degrees of the Ascendant or Midheaven)
In the planetary hour of the planet
With the planet and the Moon unafflicted
It is not enough to make the talisman whenever convenient and then to consecrate the talisman at a properly elected time. The talisman needs to take on its final form, e.g. be inscribed, etched, cast, painted, carved, printed out, etc., when the appropriate astrological factors are in effect. In addition, to creation, it is also vital that the talisman be consecrated at the elected time, because consecration calls the appropriate spirit or spirit into the talisman which is the source of its power.
Renaissance Astrology usually works directly from our traditional (pre-1700) sources which provide recipes for hundreds of different talismans or we use the principles of traditional astrological magic to elect appropriate times for talismans. We make talismans not only of the planets, but also of fixed stars, Mansions of the Moon, decan/faces, multiple house based and other celestial factors.
While there are different models for understanding how talismans work, I am increasingly pulled towards seeing talismans as a dwelling place of a celestial spirit or spirits. Talismans provide a way to connect with these spirits and to allow their influence to spread throughout our lives. At Renaissance Astrology we follow only the right hand path and do only benefic magic. The spirits we work with are angelic. Our approach is devotional. We see these spirits as powerful and positive beings who cannot be commanded, but to whom polite requests can be made.
Respect is the key and we always seek to act respectfully towards the celestial spirits. We do not need to be afraid that if we make a small mistake in ritual that the reaction will be strongly negative as the celestial angels are benign and forgiving. On the other hand, we do not act foolishly or disrespectfully towards them.
The effects of astrological talismans are unpredictable. Generally the effects will fall within the actions and areas ruled by the particular planet, fixed star, etc. For example, Jupiter rules wealth, prosperity, good fortune and justice, but also storms. One client who bought a Jupiter talisman reported that just as the deliveryman came to their house, a sudden thunderstorm started. If you are interested in seeing what sort of effects that talismans can have take a look at the Talisman Testimonials. However, exactly what effects a particular talisman will have for a particular person cannot be predicted.
Many clients are happy and have noticeable and positive effects, some clients are unhappy with their talismans and say that they see no effects at all. A few clients have reported what they believe are negative effects from talismans. While these clients often have never had any experience with magic or have extravagant expectations, potential clients should keep this in mind. We cannot guarantee what the effects of talismans will be.
Timing is also unpredictable. We have had clients that had noticeable and appropriate effects as soon as they bought the talisman, but before receiving it. Others have effects immediately upon receipt, others took months, and some, as noted, saw no effects at all. Astrological talismans are best suited for clients that are knowledgeable about the esoteric, experienced with magic and/or are willing to take the time and energy to make a long term connection with the spirit of the talisman. Astrological talismans are not appropriate for clients looking for a quick fix, to immediately win big at the lottery or stock market or are in an emergency situation.
Working with Renaissance Astrology astrological talismans could possibly be best analogized to working with saints. These are highly benefic and powerful beings whom you can make requests of, but cannot command. They will do what is in your best interest, not necessarily what your ego desires. Just being in their presence and being under their influence is a very positive experience causing positive internal change, ultimately perhaps of more value than simply getting one's ego desires and physical needs met.
Please note that while many clients are happy with their talismans, some are not and I cannot guarantee exactly what the effects will be for any individual client. In addition, Renaissance Astrology talismans are all hand made at precisely chosen times in very limited editions. Once a talisman has been shipped, it is used and I cannot re-sell it. Because used talismans cannot be resold and because, as noted above I cannot guarantee what the effect of talismans will be there are NO REFUNDS, RETURNS OR EXCHANGES FOR TALISMANS, MIRRORS OR PENTACLES. If you buy a talisman, you take the risk of it not working as you wish or hope.
At Renaissance Astrology we are totally, completely and utterly dedicated to getting the correct and powerful astrological timing and then consecrating talismans at the elected time. You would not believe how difficult and time consuming this is. But you can't do everything and the surface appearance of the talismans and pentacles is about 3rd or 4th on the list. If we have to chose, which we sometimes have to, we are going to go with getting the timing and consecration perfect and let minor flaws in the appearance go. So be aware that with the artisanal and hand made processes we are using to individual craft talismans and pentacles, that some have casting flaws, variations in surface color and with gold plated pentacles and talismans there can be unplated lines, grooves or spots even at initial sale. In addition, gold plating can rub off. Feel free to replate, it will not affect magical power of the talisman or pentacle. There are no refunds, returns or exchanges of talismans and pentacles due to flaws in initial appearance or subsequent tarnish or wear and tear.
Because Renaissance Astrology talismans are made in the form of pendants it is natural to ask about wearing them. Here is a Video: How to Make Astrological Talismans Effective: Do I Have to Wear It All the Time? Also there seems to be a lot of unsourced lore circulating out there about all kinds, not just astrological talismans, that insists that you have to wear the talismans all the time, ie bed, shower, etc., and you have to wear the talisman next to your skin.
I'm really not sure exactly where this information comes from or exactly what the reasoning behind it is. My view of astrological talismans is that they are a way to contact and have a relationship with the spirit/angel of the talisman. The power comes from the spirit of the talisman, not from the talisman itself or from some natural properties of the materials in the talisman.
So in my view the key to maximizing the power of talismans is establishing and maintaining your relationship with the spirit of the talisman through the initial and repeated personal consecration. Renaissance Astrology talismans are consecrated at the same elected time as when they are created. Instructions for personal consecration are included with all talismans and pentacles. The personal consecration is the best way to introduce yourself to the spirit of the talisman and begin forging a connection. You can maintain this connection by repeating the consecration regularly.
In addition to the personal consecration, "respect" is really the watchword. We want to show our respect to the spirit of the talisman in how we do the consecration and treat the talisman. It is certainly respectful to wear the talisman, but we do not need to wear it all the time. You can also carry the talisman or leave it in its box or on an altar. In fact in bed or the shower, it might well be more respectful not wear it. We don't let our dog chew the talisman or leave it in the dirt. We store the talisman respectfully when we are not wearing it. It is respectful to invoke the spirit only at an astrologically appropriate time, e.g. planetary hour for planetary talismans. We also want to use at least one candle and some form of incense for the invocation. Don't fall into the mistake of not using any incense if you can't find the particular or specialized incense listed for a particular talisman. It is respectful to have a separate altar space for the talisman, if you have the room.
It is fine to have more than one astrological talisman, I have many and I've worn up to five at once. You should, however, be careful about mixing astrological and non-astrological talismans. Not that they are automatically problematic, but the interaction of astrological and non-astrological spirits and talismans is unpredictable.
As you look at Renaissance Astrology talismans and pentacles you can see that they are often listed as being +4 or +5 or even +8. The source and meaning of these different point values can be mysterious. First the planetary talisman scores come from adding up the essential dignity scores for the planet at the sign or degree it was at when the talisman was made. Sign = +5, exaltation +4, triplicity +3, term +2, face +1.
It is possible to have multiple dignities and thus to get greater than +5. For example, it is possible to have a Mercury +10 talisman, with Mercury dignified by sign +5, exaltation +4 and face +1, for a total of +10.
It does sound very impressive to have Mercury +10 because we have multiple essential dignities and it does indeed boost the strength a bit. However, just looking at the essential dignity score alone is too simplistic, particularly when I've had clients turn up their nose at talismans and say, "I won't take less than +10" The problem here is that for many planets it is impossible for them to have +10. The Sun, for example, we have trouble getting less than +7 and it's basically impossible to get more than +8. Refusing anything other than a +10 Sun talisman means no Sun talisman at all!
Secondly, the scale of the points doesn't reflect their effectiveness accurately. (face) +1 is very weak, almost not worth doing. (triplicity) +3 is actually pretty good. +4 (exaltation) is all you ever need in a talisman. +8 on the other hand, is stronger, but is not twice as good as +4.
This is because we are not charging batteries, what we are doing is trying to contact and keep a good relationship with the spirit of the talisman. The power of the talisman is more like the quality of a phone connection. +1 and you have a super staticky line you can't hardly hear the other person. By the time you get to +4, this is like a good cell connection, no problem for a conversation. +8 is like using a T3 line for a phone call, maybe even overkill.
So, while it is nice to say Wow! +10! and yes, it's good, exaltation (+4) is really all you need for an excellent talisman. It is nice to have the extra points, and worth the extra effort to make them and the cost, but refusing a talisman because it is JUST dignified by sign or exaltation, is like telling your friends you won't talk on a cell phone, you only use a T3 line!
Before you get an astrological talisman, you should get the talisman checked against your birth chart. If you are serious about buying a Renaissance Astrology talisman just Contact me and send me your date of birth. I will then look at your birth chart and make talisman suggestions or check the talismans you are interested in.
Keep in mind that talismans will give the natural effect of the planet, not what it predicts in your birth chart. For example, Saturn is the planet of long life and esoteric, solitary wisdom. He may be the ruler of your 7th house, but this will not make a Saturn talisman a love talisman for you.
You can either pick talismans based on their natural effects and then make sure your chosen talisman or talismans are appropriate for your birth chart or you can pick planets that are strong or at least not afflicted in your birth chart and then sort these based on their natural effects.
Basically we choose talismans whose planets are strong in your birth chart to give you their natural effect strongly and talismans whose planets are weak in your natal chart to strengthen their natural effect. We avoid planets that are afflicted in your chart because you can have an "allergic" reaction to them. Whatever their placement or rulership in your birth chart planets primarly give their natural effects through their talismans and give their natal placement or rulership only weakly.
If you are familiar with traditional astrology you can check your birth chart as follows:
Before you get an astrological talisman, you should get the talisman checked against your birth chart. If you are serious about buying a Renaissance Astrology talisman just Contact me and send me your date of birth. I will then look at your birth chart and make talisman suggestions or check the talismans you are interested in.
You can get an in-depth look at the appropriate talismans for your birth chart and a Talismanic Prescription through all of my natal readings, including the mini-natal reading, Astrological Checkup or the the Full Natal Reading or the Mage's Reading or the Spiritual Path Reading.
Check out the the Renaissance Astrology currently available talismans and currently available pentacles.
So if I check your natal chart for talismans and say that certain planets are not the best choices, are there alternatives? First, you can find a planet that is not afflicted that has similar properties. So if your Jupiter is afflicted, you can go with the Sun or Mercury for wealth.
But fixed stars are also great alternatives. Again, if a planet is afflicted we can often find a fixed star with similar effects. So again, for example, if Venus is afflicted, Andromeda is a good choice for love.
But we can also look for fixed star alternatives to planets by understanding the traditional spiritual causality through occult virtue. First we need to understand how the meaning of these words has changed. Occult simply means "hidden" not bad or malefic and virtue means "powers" without any moral connotation. So occult virtues are hidden powers.
So in the traditional view all occult virtues were united in the One and then differentiated in a perfect form in the Intelligences/Archetypes. The occult virtues then manifest through the Anima Mundi (the Soul of the World) and then to the fixed stars. The Renaissance philosopher Marsilio Ficino then explains that,
"I have said elsewhere that down from every single star (so to speak Platonically) there hangs its own series of things down to the lowest...Under the celestial Serpent or the entire constellation of the Serpent-bearer, they place Saturn and sometimes Jupiter, afterwards daemons who often take on serpent's form, in addition men of this kind, serpents (the animals), the snake-weed, the stone draconite which originates in the head of a dragon, and the stone commonly called serpentine...By a similar system they think a chain of beings descends by levels from any star of the firmament through any planet under its dominion.
Three Books on Life, Bk. III, Chap. 14, tr. Kaske and Clarke p. 311.
Thus we can see that occult virtues combine, separate and recombine as they flow through various channels. We can obtain these hidden powers by interacting with these dynamic channels with a wide variety of interfaces. We are most familiar with the planets as a means to access occult virtues, but we can access many of the occult virtues of a planet, by interacting with a connected fixed star.
My method is to find one of the 15 Behenian fixed stars that is in a constellation/sign where the planet has rulership and has similar qualities to the planet. Please note that this is not simply a "like rules like" classification. Instead we are trying to locate a stream of occult virtue that the star and planet have in common.
Thus for an afflicted Saturn we turn to Deneb Algedi (Tail of Capricorn) as Saturn is in rulership in Capricorn.
For an afflicted Mars we turn to Antares
For an afflicted Sun we turn to Regulus (Heart of Leo)
For an afflicted Venus we turn to Aldebaran (Eye of Taurus)
For an afflicted Mercury we turn to Spica (Sheaf of Wheat in Virgo)
For the Moon and Jupiter we do not really have one of our Behenian fixed stars in Cancer (Moon) or Sagittarius or Pisces (Jupiter) that are analogous. Keep in mind that these are not 100% substitutions, but by using the traditional understanding of occult virtue we can find alternative interfaces to the flow of occult virtue. Very useful!
Here are the currently available talismans and pentacles. Take a look at actual Talisman Testimonials from Renaissance Astrology clients. Here is How to Choose a Talisman .
Here are House Based: Wealth/Success & Dream Talismans
Moon Talismans - Safety, Visions, Growth
Mercury Talismans - Wealth, Business, Esoteric Arts, Study
Venus Talismans - Love, Art, Music
Sun Talismans - Promotion, Success, Health, Wealth
Mars Talismans - Strength, Determination, Victory
Jupiter Talismans - Wealth, Good Fortune, Wisdom
Saturn Talismans - Wisdom, Esoteric Arts, Longevity
Fixed Star Talismans - Wealth, Happiness, Esoteric Knowledge
Protection Talismans - Spiritual Protection and Protection from Enemies, Curses and Malefic Spirits
Mansion Talismans - Wealth, Success, Love,
Currently Available Paper Talismans
If you are seriously interested in getting a Renaissance Astrology talisman just contact me and send your date of birth and I can give a quick analysis of which talismans are appropriate for you.
The Bronze house based PICATRIX GREAT WEALTH TALISMAN for, "money in great quantities and...good fortune in all your undertakings." Includes image and personal consecration instructions. $499.95 plus shipping.
The Bronze house based FOUNTAIN OF WEALTH TALISMAN for money in great quantities and good fortune in all undertakings as well as grown, fame and success. Includes image and personal consecration instructions. $499.95 plus shipping. Here is Fountain of Wealth talisman video.
The Bronze house based SUFI MAGIC GREAT WEALTH TALISMAN for money in great quantities and good fortune in all undertakings as well as wealth, fame and success. Includes image and personal consecration instructions. $399.95 plus shipping.
The BRONZE SUN DREAM TALISMAN for visions and prophetic and lucid dreams. Includes image and personal consecration instructions. $299.95 plus shipping.
The Mercury Dream Paper Talisman or fame, lucid and prophetic dreams. 5.5 x 4.25 inch paper talisman, hand calligraphy and stamps, acrylic holder plus consecration instructions.
The Golden Bronze +7 MOON EXALTATION DEGREE TALISMAN for wealth, growth, safety and health. Includes image and personal consecration instructions. $299.95 plus shipping
The WHITE AGATE +7 MOON EXALTATION DEGREE TALISMAN for wealth, growth, safety and health. Includes image and personal consecration instructions. $399.95 plus shipping
The Golden Bronze +7 MOON STAR CRAB TALISMAN for health, wealth, safety and growth. Includes image and personal consecration instructions. $399.95 plus shipping
The Golden Bronze +5 MOON CRAB TALISMAN for health, wealth, safety and growth. Includes image and personal consecration instructions. $299.95 plus shipping.
The Golden Bronze MOON GODDESS DRAGON TALISMAN for health, wealth, safety and growth. Includes image and personal consecration instructions. $399.95 plus shipping.
The Golden Bronze SATURN MOON CAT TALISMAN for long life, health and happiness. Especially made for cats and those who love them but with both Saturnine and Lunar magical powers. Includes image and personal consecration instructions. $299.95 plus shipping.
The Golden Bronze ALCHEMICAL CAZIMI MOON TALISMAN for invisibility and protection. Includes image and personal consecration instructions. $399.95 plus shipping.
The Bronze MERCURY HEAD +11 TALISMAN for wealth, knowledge, business success and communications. Includes image and personal consecration instructions. $499.95 plus shipping.
The Golden Bronze WINGED FOOT +10 MERCURY TALISMAN for wealth, knowledge, business success & eloquence. Includes image and personal consecration instructions. $399.95 plus shipping.
The Golden Bronze PICATRIX MERCURY +10 PEACOCK TALISMAN for memory, good will and wealth as well as wealth, knowledge, business success & eloquence. Includes image and personal consecration instructions. $399.95 plus shipping.
The Golden Bronze PICATRIX +7 LION HEAD MERCURY TALISMAN for bravery, good will and health as well as wealth, knowledge, business success & eloquence. Includes image and personal consecration instructions. $299.95 plus shipping.
The Bronze +10 HERMES TRISMEGISTUS TALISMAN for occult wisdom, esoteric arts and esoteric initiation. Includes image and personal consecration instructions. $299.95 plus shipping.
The GREEN AGATE +10 HERMES TRISMEGISTUS TALISMAN for occult wisdom, esoteric arts and esoteric initiation. Includes image and personal consecration instructions. $399.95 plus shipping.
The Bronze +8 MERCURY FOX TALISMAN for wealth, love, health, joy & protection. Includes image and personal consecration instructions. $399.95 plus shipping.
The Golden Bronze PICATRIX MERCURY AQUARIUS FROG TALISMAN for tact, praise, esoteric Knowledge and wealth. Includes image and personal consecration instructions. $399.95 plus shipping.
The Golden Bronze WINGED FOOT +7 MERCURY TALISMAN for wealth, knowledge, business success & eloquence. Includes image and personal consecration instructions. $299.95 plus shipping.
The Bronze MERCURY AL-ALIM TALISMAN for wisdom, knowledge of the subtlest aspects of the mystic sciences and their most hidden secrets. Includes image and personal consecration instructions. $299.95 plus shipping.
The Golden Bronze SUFI MAGIC +7 MERCURY PLANETARY TABLE TALISMAN for wealth, knowledge, business success & eloquence. Includes image and personal consecration instructions. $299.95 plus shipping.
The bronze +10 VENUS APPLE TALISMAN for love and happiness. Includes image and personal consecration instructions. $399.95 plus shipping
The bronze +10 PICATRIX VENUS THREE GRACES TALISMAN for love, grace & beauty, good fortune & profit. Includes image and personal consecration instructions. $399.95 plus shipping
The bronze +10 PICATRIX WINGED VENUS TALISMAN for love, peace & beauty, protection from loss and injury. Includes image and personal consecration instructions. $299.95 plus shipping.
The bronze VENUS APPLE TALISMAN for love and happiness. Includes image and personal consecration instructions. $299.95 plus shipping
The bronze VENUS CUP TALISMAN for art, music, creativity, love & passion. Includes image and personal consecration instructions. $299.95 plus shipping
The bronze +7 VENUS SUFI MAGIC TABLE TALISMAN for love and happiness. Includes image and personal consecration instructions. $299.95 plus shipping.
The bronze +7 VENUS SUFI MAGIC LIBRA TALISMAN for love, fame, wealth, and prosperity. Includes image and personal consecration instructions. $399.95 plus shipping
The GOLDEN BRONZE SUN KING TALISMAN for wealth, fame, success & health. Includes image and personal consecration instructions. $299.95 plus shipping.
The GOLDEN BRONZE SUN EXALTATION DEGREE TALISMAN for fame, success, protection, wealth and health. Includes image and personal consecration instructions. $399.95 plus shipping.
The GOLDEN BRONZE SUN LION TALISMAN for accomplishment, victory, success, wealth & health. Includes image and personal consecration instructions. $299.95 plus shipping.
The RED AGATE SUN +8 GREATEST NAME TALISMAN for divine protection, particularly against black magic, safety, health, riches, success, victory & peace. Includes image and personal consecration instructions. $399.95 plus shipping.
The YELLOW AGATE SUN +8 GREATEST NAME TALISMAN for divine protection, particularly against black magic, safety, health, riches, success, victory & peace. Includes image and personal consecration instructions. $399.95 plus shipping.
The GOLDEN BRONZE UNIVERSAL SUN TALISMAN for safety, health, riches, protection, success, victory & peace. Includes image and personal consecration instructions. $299.95 plus shipping.
The YELLOW AGATE UNIVERSAL SUN TALISMAN for safety, health, riches, protection, success, victory & peace. Includes image and personal consecration instructions. $399.95 plus shipping.
The GOLDEN BRONZE SUN CANDLE TALISMAN optimized for wealth plus health, success and fame. Includes image and personal consecration instructions. $299.95 plus shipping.
The GOLDEN BRONZE SUN RAY TALISMAN for success, wealth and health. Includes image and personal consecration instructions. $399.95 plus shipping.
The bronze SUN ARIES TALISMAN for luck, wealth and to be beloved by all. Includes image and personal consecration instructions. $299.95 plus shipping
The bronze SUN SUFI MAGIC ARIES TALISMAN for wealth and success. Includes image and personal consecration instructions. $249.95 plus shipping.
The bronze SUN SUFI MAGIC LEO TALISMAN especially for weath but also fame, success, prosperity and health. Includes image and personal consecration instructions. $199.95 plus shipping.
The bronze SUN DIVINE NAME TALISMAN with Kabbalistic Tetragrammaton in Pythaogorean Tetractys for fame, success, wealth and health. Includes image and personal consecration instructions. $299.95 plus shipping.
The Bronze MARS HELM TALISMAN for courage, strength, discipline and protection with GREAT POWERS. Includes image and personal consecration instructions. $299.95 plus shipping.
The Bronze +9 CROWNED MARS TALISMAN for victory, strength, determination and success. Includes image and personal consecration instructions. $399.95 plus shipping.
The Bronze +11 MARS SCORPIO SUFI MAGIC TABLE TALISMAN for victory, strength, determination and success.. Includes image and personal consecration instructions. $499.95 plus shipping.
The Bronze +5 MARS ARIES SUFI MAGIC TABLE TALISMAN for victory, strength, determination and success. Includes image and personal consecration instructions. $199.95 plus shipping.
The Bronze JUPITER +7 LION HEAD TALISMAN talismans for wealth, good fortune and wisdom. Includes image and personal consecration instructions. $399.95 plus shipping. This is the most powerful Jupiter talisman we have in stock and an equally powerful Jupiter talisman cannot be made again until November of 2030!!
The Bronze CROWNED JUPITER PISCES TALISMAN talismans for wisdom, great happiness, riches, honor and protection from enemies. Includes image and personal consecration instructions. $299.95 plus shipping.
The Bronze RAM HEAD JUPITER TALISMAN talismans for wealth and wisdom. Includes image and personal consecration instructions. $399.95 plus shipping.
The Bronze SUFI MAGIC JUPITER TALISMAN talismans for wealth, good fortune and wisdom. Includes image and personal consecration instructions. $399.95 plus shipping.
The Bronze AGRIPPA PLANETARY TABLE - JS SMITH JUPITER TALISMAN for wealth, good fortune and wisdom. Includes image and personal consecration instructions. $299.95 plus shipping.
The Bronze JUPITER PLANETARY TABLE TALISMAN for wealth, good fortune and wisdom. Includes image and personal consecration instructions. $249.95 plus shipping.
The Bronze SHAMS AL MA'ARIF JUPITER AL-ALIM TALISMAN for wisdom, knowledge of the subtlest aspects of the mystic sciences and their most hidden secrets. Includes image and personal consecration instructions. $399.95 plus shipping.
The Bronze ENTHRONED SATURN +8 TALISMAN for long life, power and profound sciences. Includes image and personal consecration instructions. $299.95 plus shipping.
The Bronze SATURN RISING DRAGON +8 TALISMAN for long life, power and profound sciences. Includes image and personal consecration instructions. $399.95 plus shipping.
The Bronze ENTHRONED SATURN +10 AQUARIUS TALISMAN for long life, power and profound sciences. Includes image and personal consecration instructions. $499.95 plus shipping.
The Bronze COILED DRAGON SATURN +10 AQUARIUS TALISMAN for long life, power and profound sciences. Includes image and personal consecration instructions. $499.95 plus shipping.
The Bronze SATURN SUFI MAGIC WEALTH TALISMAN for prosperity, esoteric knowledge and wisdom. Includes image and personal consecration instructions. $299.95 plus shipping.
The Bronze SATURN MOON CAT TALISMAN for long life, health and happiness. Especially made for cats and those who love them but with both Saturnine and Lunar magical powers. Includes image and personal consecration instructions. $399.95 plus shipping.
The Bronze SATURN PLANETARY TABLE +7 TALISMAN for long life, power, wisdom and esoteric arts. Includes image and personal consecration instructions. $399.95 plus shipping.
There are two versions of the +5 Bronze Saturn Dragon talisman for long life, power, wisdom and esoteric arts. Both include image and personal consecration instructions. Both are $199.95 plus shipping. They both have the same Dragon front image, but we have a +5 SATURN DRAGON TALISMAN with LATIN BACK and also a
The Bronze FIXED STAR SPICA talismans for wealth and good fortune. Includes image and personal consecration instructions. $399.95 plus shipping.
The Golden Bronze FIXED STAR ALDEBARAN talismans for riches and honor. Includes image and personal consecration instructions. $399.95 plus shipping.
The Golden Bronze SUFI MAGIC FIXED STAR ALDEBARAN talismans for riches and honor. Includes image and personal consecration instructions. $299.95 plus shipping.
The Golden Bronze CONSTELLATION CYGNUS talismans for riches, great knowledge, love and health. Includes consecration image and personal consecration instructions. $299.95 plus shipping.
The Golden Bronze CONSTELLATION ANDROMEDA talismans for great and lasting love and reconcilation. Includes consecration image and personal consecration instructions. $399.95 plus shipping.
The Golden Bronze CONSTELLATION HYDRA talismans for wealth, protection & wisdom. Includes image and personal consecration instructions. $299.95 plus shipping.
The Bronze REGULUS talismans for happiness and success. Includes image and personal consecration instructions. $299.95 plus shipping.
The Bronze SUFI MAGIC REGULUS talismans for happiness and success. Includes image and personal consecration instructions. $299.95 plus shipping.
The Bronze CAPELLA talismans for health and success. Includes image and personal consecration instructions. $299.95 plus shipping.
The Bronze DENEB ALGEDI talismans for increasing wealth in every way, safety particularly at home, success in lawsuits and court. Includes image and personal consecration instructions. $399.95 plus shipping.
The Golden Bronze CONSTELLATION CENTAURUS talismans for health & wisdom. Includes image and personal consecration instructions. $299.95 plus shipping.
The fixed star BRONZE PLEIADES TALISMAN for secret knowledge and magical skill. Golden Bronze. Includes image and personal consecration instructions. $299.95 plus shipping.
The fixed star BRONZE SIRIUS TALISMAN for peace, reconciliation, favor and honor. Includes image and personal consecration instructions. $299.95 plus shipping.
The Bronze ALPHECCA talismans for friendship and success. Includes image and personal consecration instructions. $299.95 plus shipping.
The Golden Bronze CONSTELLATION CETUS talismans for wisdom, good luck and happiness. Includes image and personal consecration instructions. $299.95 plus shipping.
The Golden Bronze CONSTELLATION DRACO talismans for wisdom, skill and bravery. Includes image and personal consecration instructions. $299.95 plus shipping.
The bronze fixed star ENGLISH FOMALHAUT TALISMAN for fame, honor and spiritual change. Includes image and personal consecration instructions. $399.95 plus shipping.
The bronze fixed star SUFI MAGIC FOMALHAUT TALISMAN for fame, honor and spiritual change. Includes image and personal consecration instructions. $299.95 plus shipping.
The Golden Bronze fixed star ALGOL TALISMAN for protection against curses and enemies and reversal of evil. Both reversal and shielding as desired. Includes image and personal consecration instructions. $299.95 plus shipping.
The fixed star BLACK AGATE ALGOL TALISMAN for active & aggressive protection against curses and enemies and reversal of evil. Includes image and personal consecration instructions. $499.95 plus shipping.
The fixed star WHITE AGATE ALGOL TALISMAN for shielding protection against curses and enemies. Includes image and personal consecration instructions. $399.95 plus shipping.
The Bronze LILLY PICATRX 22ND MANSION TALISMAN for quiet, security, protection from slander & enemies. Includes image and personal consecration instructions. $299.95 plus shipping.
The Golden Bronze Fixed Star ANTARES TALISMAN for protection against evil spirits, intelligence and memory. Includes image and personal consecration instructions. $299.95 plus shipping.
The bronze fixed star VEGA TALISMAN for courage and spiritual protection against curses and evil spirits. Includes image and personal consecration instructions. $299.95 plus shipping.
The fixed star PROCYON GREEN AGATE ROOSTER TALISMAN for health and protection against curses and witchcraft. Includes image and personal consecration instructions. $499.95 plus shipping.
The bronze fixed star PROCYON ROOSTER TALISMAN for health and protection against curses and witchcraft. Includes image and personal consecration instructions. $299.95 plus shipping.
The bronze fixed star SUFI MAGIC PROCYON TALISMAN for health and protection against curses and witchcraft. Includes image and personal consecration instructions. $399.95 plus shipping.
The bronze fixed star ALKAID TALISMAN for wisdom and protection against magic and enemies. Includes image and personal consecration instructions. $299.95 plus shipping.
The bronze fixed star SUFI MAGIC ALKAID TALISMAN for wisdom and protection against magic and enemies. Includes image and personal consecration instructions. $249.95 plus shipping.
The Bronze FIRST FACE/DECAN LIBRA JUSTICE TALISMAN for justice, truth, rights and helping the weak against the strong and wicked. Includes image and personal consecration instructions. $299.95 plus shipping.
The Bronze PICATRIX 3RD MANSION OF THE MOON talismans for wealth and "all good things". Includes image and personal consecration instructions. $299.95 plus shipping.
The bronze SHAMS AL MA'ARIF 3RD MANSION OF THE MOON talismans for success, promotion, wealth and "all good things". Includes image and personal consecration instructions. $499.95 plus shipping.
The golden bronze PICATRIX 5TH MANSION OF THE MOON talismans for dreams, "good things and all the best". Includes image and personal consecration instructions. $299.95 plus shipping.
The golden bronze PICATRIX 7TH MANSION OF THE MOON talismans for wealth and "all good things". Includes image and personal consecration instructions. $299.95 plus shipping.
The Golden Bronze 13TH LUNAR MANSION TALISMAN for erotic love. Includes image and personal consecration instructions. $299.95 plus shipping.
The BRONZE 16TH LUNAR MANSION TALISMAN for wealth, prosperity and financial abundance. Includes image and personal consecration instructions. $299.95 plus shipping.
The BRONZE 17TH LUNAR MANSION TALISMAN to guard your home and possessions and to protect from thieves. Includes image and personal consecration instructions. $299.95 plus shipping.
The RED AGATE 17TH LUNAR MANSION TALISMAN to guard your home and possessions and to protect from thieves. Includes image and personal consecration instructions. $399.95 plus shipping.
The Bronze LILLY PICATRX 22ND MANSION TALISMAN for quiet, security, protection from slander & enemies. Includes image and personal consecration instructions. $299.95 plus shipping.
The Golden Bronze ASTROMAGIA 24TH LUNAR MANSION TALISMAN for esoteric knowledge and occult wisdom. Includes image and personal consecration instructions. $499.95 plus shipping.
The Golden Bronze 26TH LUNAR MANSION TALISMAN for love and friendship. Includes image and personal consecration instructions. $299.95 plus shipping.
The Golden Bronze SUFI MAGIC 26TH LUNAR MANSION TALISMAN for love and friendship. Includes image and personal consecration instructions. $199.95 plus shipping.
The Venus Moon Paper Talisman for love. 5.5 x 4.25 inch paper talisman, hand calligraphy and stamps, acrylic holder plus consecration instructions.
We currently have Saturn Pentacles and Jupiter Pentacles and Mars Pentacles and Sun Pentacles and Venus Pentacles and Mercury Pentacles and Moon Pentacles as well as the Supreme Pentacle.
If you are seriously interested in getting a Renaissance Astrology pentacle or talisman just contact me and send your date of birth and I can give a quick analysis of which pentacles or talismans are appropriate for you.
The brass SUPREME PENTACLE for esoteric knowledge and control of spirits. Includes image and personal consecration instructions.
The Gold Plated Bronze SECOND SATURN PENTACLE for invocation of spirits & protection against misfortune, affliction, poverty & trouble. Includes image and personal consecration instructions.
The Gold Plated Bronze THIRD SATURN PENTACLE for invocation of spirits. Includes image and personal consecration instructions. $299.95 plus shipping.
The Gold Plated Bronze FIFTH SATURN PENTACLE for the invocation of spirits and gaining treasure. Includes image and personal consecration instructions. $299.95 plus shipping.
The Bronze FIRST JUPITER PENTACLE invocation of spirits and possession of treasure. Includes image and personal consecration instructions. $299.95 plus shipping.
The Bronze SECOND JUPITER PENTACLE for glory, honors, riches, tranquility of mind and to discover treasures. Includes image and personal consecration instructions. $399.95 plus shipping.
The Bronze THIRD JUPITER PENTACLE for invocation of spirits. Includes image and personal consecration instructions. $199.95 plus shipping.
The Bronze FOURTH JUPITER PENTACLE for riches, honor and to possess wealth. Includes image and personal consecration instructions. $299.95 plus shipping.
The bronze FIFTH JUPITER PENTACLE for power and visions. Includes image and personal consecration instructions. $199.95 plus shipping.
The Bronze SIXTH JUPITER PENTACLE for protection against all earthly dangers. Includes image and personal consecration instructions. $199.95 plus shipping.
The Bronze SEVENTH JUPITER PENTACLE for treasure and great power against poverty. Includes image and personal consecration instructions. $299.95 plus shipping.
The Bronze FIRST MARS PENTACLE for the invocation of the spirits of Mars. Includes image and personal consecration instructions. $299.95 plus shipping.
The Bronze SECOND MARS PENTACLE for health & healing. Includes image and personal consecration instructions.
The Bronze THIRD MARS PENTACLE for protection. Includes image and personal consecration instructions. $299.95 plus shipping.
The Bronze FOURTH MARS PENTACLE for power and victory. Includes image and personal consecration instructions. $299.95 plus shipping.
The Bronze FIFTH MARS PENTACLE for protection against demons and evil spirits. Includes image and personal consecration instructions. $299.95 plus shipping.
The Bronze SIXTH MARS PENTACLE for protection. Includes image and personal consecration instructions. $299.95 plus shipping.
The Bronze SEVENTH MARS PENTACLE for hail and heavy rain. Includes image and personal consecration instructions. $299.95 plus shipping.
The brass FIRST SUN PENTACLE for great divine power. THE METATRON PENTACLE Includes image and personal consecration instructions. $399.95 plus shipping.
The Golden Bronze SECOND SUN PENTACLE for invocation of Solar spirits. The 2nd Sun Pentacle, "serveth to repress the pride and arrogance of the solar spirits, which are altogether proud and arrogant by their nature." Includes image and personal consecration instructions. $249.95 plus shipping.
The bronze THIRD SUN PENTACLE for success, power and authority. The Third Sun Pentacle, "...serveth to acquire Kingdom and Empire, to inflict loss, and to acquire renown and glory" Includes image and personal consecration instructions. $299.95 plus shipping.
The Golden Bronze FOURTH SUN PENTACLE for invocation of spirits. The Fourth Pentacle of the Sun, "serveth to enable thee to see the spirits when they appear invisible unto those who invoke them; because, when thou hast uncovered it, they will immediately appear visible." Includes image and personal consecration instructions. $249.95 plus shipping.
The Golden Bronze FIFTH SUN PENTACLE for speedy travel. The Fifth Pentacle of the Sun, "serveth to invoke those spirits who can transport thee from one place unto another, over a long distance and in short time." Includes image and personal consecration instructions. $249.95 plus shipping.
The Golden Bronze SIXTH SUN PENTACLE for invisibility. Includes image and personal consecration instructions. $299.95 plus shipping.
The Golden Bronze SEVENTH SUN PENTACLE for freedom and liberty. Includes image and personal consecration instructions. $249.95 plus shipping.
The Golden Bronze FIRST VENUS PENTACLE for invocation of Venus spirits. Includes image and personal consecration instructions. $399.95 plus shipping.
The Golden Bronze SECOND VENUS PENTACLE for love and for power in all Venusian things. Includes image and personal consecration instructions.
The Golden Bronze THIRD VENUS PENTACLE for love. Includes image and personal consecration instructions. $299.95 plus shipping.
The Golden Bronze FOURTH VENUS PENTACLE for power. Includes image and personal consecration instructions. $299.95 plus shipping.
The Golden Bronze FIFTH VENUS PENTACLE for love. Includes image and personal consecration instructions. $249.95 plus shipping
The Bronze FIRST MERCURY PENTACLE for invocation of spirits. Includes image and personal consecration instructions. $249.95 plus shipping.
The Bronze SECOND MERCURY PENTACLE for secret knowledge and power. Includes image and personal consecration instructions. $399.95 plus shipping.
The Bronze THIRD MERCURY PENTACLE for invocation of Mercury spirits. Includes image and personal consecration instructions. $299.95 plus shipping.
The Bronze FOURTH MERCURY PENTACLE for secret knowledge and power. Includes image and personal consecration instructions. $299.95 plus shipping.
The Bronze FIFTH MERCURY PENTACLE for commanding spirits and opening all doors. Includes image and personal consecration instructions. $249.95 plus shipping.
The Golden Bronze FIRST MOON PENTACLE for invocation of lunar spirits and opening doors. Includes image and personal consecration instructions. $399.95 plus shipping.
The Golden Bronze SECOND MOON PENTACLE for the invocation of lunar spirits and for safety. Includes image and personal consecration instructions. $299.95 plus shipping.
The Golden Bronze THIRD MOON PENTACLE for safety and protection. Includes image and personal consecration instructions. $299.95 plus shipping.
The Golden Bronze FOURTH MOON PENTACLE for great knowledge and protection from evil and injury. Includes image and personal consecration instructions. $399.95 plus shipping.
The Golden Bronze FIFTH MOON PENTACLE for knowledge in dreams and destruction of enemies. Includes image and personal consecration instructions. $299.95 plus shipping
The Golden Bronze SIXTH MOON PENTACLE for heavy rains. Includes image and personal consecration instructions. $299.95 plus shipping.
The key to the construction of an astrological talisman or amulet lies in the choice of the astrological factor or factors whose energy or spirit the mage wishes to capture. In traditional Western astrological magic this choice appears to have been task oriented. The client or the mage himself wishes to accomplish a particular result, love, money, success, any of a myriad of possibilities. The mage then selects the most appropriate astrological factor typically choosing either a planet, fixed star, Mansion of the Moon or house based talisman.
The mage must consider the current state of the Heavens for not all talismans or amulets can be made at any particular time. The mage may also, depending on the circumstances, consider the birth chart of the client or subject of the talisman, a horary chart or even the chart of a city or country, in choosing the talisman and the time for its creation. The astrological magician, therefore, must have a good working knowledge of the theory and practice of traditional Electional Astrology. Using the principles of electional astrology, the mage chooses a time when the particular astrological factor is strong and appropriately placed.
Once an appropriate time is chosen, the mage gathers the materials from which the talisman or amulet will be made. Each planet, for example, is associated with a certain metal. As the chosen time the mage creates the talisman. My talismans are all cast from precious metals, but talismans can also be stamped, inscribed or engraven and made in metal, gems, or even on paper or parchment.
The effect of gemstone and metal talismans is longer lasting, for as the Renaissance philosopher Marsilio Ficino observes, "gems and metals, though they seem too hard for accepting a celestial influence, nevertheless retain it longer if they receive it." Three Books on Life, Book III, chapter 14. Once again the key is that the talisman must receive its form at the elected time if it is to be efficacious.
After making the talisman with the appropriate signs, sigils, characters, images and designs, as set forth at length in our traditional sources, the mage then consecrates the talisman in a magical ceremony. In one sense this can be seen as charging the talisman with the energy of the chosen astrological factor.
At the same time, the consecration can also be seen as the invocation of the spirit ruling or animating the chosen astrological factor who then inhabits or infuses the talisman with its particular powers. The talisman is then worn by the user or placed in a location where the mage wishes the effects of the talisman or amulet to manifest. By reconsecrating a talisman periodically we can keep the connection to the spirit of the talisman strong.
The most popular form of talismans are the talismans of the seven traditional planets. We also look to the differing Natures of the Planets each of which, Saturn, Jupiter, Mars, the Sun, Venus, Mercury and the Moon has a different effect and rules different things and activities in the Material World.
I provide example planetary talismans with horoscopes for their creation below. I also provide a Planetary Magic Mini-Course which teaches how to make the traditional talismans of the planets.
We first look at Saturn the Greater Malefic. Saturn, like Mars, the Lesser Malefic, has an energy that is necessary, but often difficult to deal with. He is associated with melancholy and death as well as agriculture, construction, occult studies, solidity and discipline. Here is an example of a Saturn talisman from the encyclopedic book of astrological magic, Picatrix.
Next is Jupiter
the Greater Benefic who is perenially popular being associated with
good fortune, prosperity, justice and authority. Here are a number of examples
of Jupiter talismans, with actual horoscopes appropriate for their creation.
Jupiter Picatrix talisman for success w/judges & officials
Jupiter talisman for prosperity
Jupiter & fixed star Sirius talisman
Jupiter triplicity talisman
Jupiter cazimi talisman & banner
Jupiter talisman for prosperity
Jupiter talisman for prosperity
Next is Mars
the Lesser Malefic, who is associated with courage, fortitude, strength, victory
as well as war. Here are a number of examples
of Mars talismans with actual horoscopes appropriate for their creation.
Mars Picatrix talisman for fear & dread
Mars talisman
Mars Picatrix talisman to stop bleeding
Mars Picatrix talisman for power
Mars Picatrix talisman for achievement & great works
The Sun,
the Light of the Day, is associated with healing, wealth, friendship, nobility, authority.
Here are a number of examples of Sun talismans with actual horoscopes appropriate for their
Agrippa Sun talisman for fame
Sun talisman for depression
Picatrix Sun talisman
Sun talisman
Mysterium Sigillorum Sun talisman
Sun talisman
Sun in Leo talisman
While these are called talismans of the signs,
they are more appropriate termed Sun talismans, because they are prepared when
the Sun is in their signs. They come from the
The Supreme Mysteries
also known as the Archidoxes of Magic attributed to
Paracelsus' Sun in Libra talisman
Paracelsus' Sun in Scorpio talisman
Next is Venus,
the Lesser Benefic, associated with love, friendship, travel, art, music, beauty.
Here are a number of examples of Venus talismans, with actual horoscopes appropriate
for their creation.
Agrippa Venus talisman
Venus/Moon talisman
Venus triplicity talisman
Venus/Moon talisman
Venus Picatrix bird-headed talisman
Venus Taurus talisman
Venus in Libra talisman
Venus & Spica talisman
Venus Picatrix love talisman
Venus in Taurus talisman
Venus love talisman
Venus talisman
Next is Mercury,
associated with communication, business, memory, eloquence, learning.
Here are a number of examples of Mercury talismans, with actual horoscopes appropriate
for their creation.
Picatrix Mercury in Virgo talisman
Mercury in Aquarius talisman for occult knowledge
Picatrix Mercury talisman
Hermes Trismegistus election
Next is the Moon,
the Light of the Night, associated with travel, messages, communications,
divination, and the measured change of all things, their birth, life and
death, in the Material World. Here are a number of examples of Moon talismans,
with actual horoscopes appropriate for their creation.
Agrippa Moon talisman
Moon/Venus talisman
Moon/Venus talisman
Moon rise talisman
Our next type of astrological talismans are the talismans of the Fixed Stars. In Ptolemaic astronomy the fixed stars occupied the eighth sphere just beyond the last planetary sphere of Saturn. The fixed stars were fixed relative to the planets, and played an important role in medieval and Renaissance astrological magic.
One of our most important traditional sources on the fixed stars in astrological magic was Hermes Trismegistus on the 15 fixed stars. This astrological text, which circulated in many manuscript versions in the Middle Ages and Renaissance, lists 15 important fixed stars, their sigil or character, the plants and gems ruled by the star and the effects created by its talisman. Cornelius Agrippa in his Three Books of Occult Philosophy also provides very useful Fixed Star Images for astrological talismans.
To make fixed star talismans
Cornelius Agrippa advises the mage as follows,
"Now the manner of making these kinds of Rings, is this, viz.
when any Star ascends fortunately, with the fortunate aspect,
or conjunction of the Moon, we must take a stone, and Hearb
that is under that Star, and make a Ring of the Metall that
is suitable to this Star, and in it fasten the stone, putting
the Hearb, or root under it; not omitting the inscriptions of
images, names, and Characters, as also the proper suffumigations"
Three Books of Occult Philosophy,
Book I, chapter 47.
Here are a number of examples of fixed star talismans,
with actual horoscopes appropriate for their creation.
Talisman of the malefic fixed star Algol
Talisman of the Wing of Corvus for
protection from spirits
Talisman of Sirius for honor & good will
Talisman of onyx & Kappa Bootes from
the Lapidary of King Alphonso
Talisman of Aldebaran for riches & honor
Talisman of Sirius
Talisman of Procyon for health
Talisman of Antares for Memory &
Protection from Evil Spirits
Talisman of the fixed star
Talisman of Spica for riches & peace
Talisman of Regulus for temperance & favor
Talisman of Regulus for temperance & favor
The next type of astrological talismans are the talismans of the Mansions of the Moon. Just as the Sun in his yearly orbit passes through the fixed stars that make up the constellations of the Zodiac, so too the Moon, in her monthly orbit passes through the fixed stars that make up the Mansions of the Moon.
Our key source for information on the talismans of the Mansions of the Moon is Picatrix, an encyclopedic text of Arabic astrological magic. Here is a complete listing of the Picatrix Lunar Mansion talismans, with their images, incense, ritual, talismans and effects. I offer a Mansions of the Moon Mini-Course which teaches how to make traditional lunar mansions talismans.
Below are examples of talismans of the Mansions of the Moon with actual horoscopes appropriate for
their creation.
15th Mansion talisman for friendship
11th Mansion talisman for respect
6th Mansion talisman for love
13th Mansion talisman for love
17th Mansion anti-theft talisman
25th Mansion ecological talisman
3rd Mansion talisman for good things
5th Mansion talisman for favor from kings
and divinatory dreams
16th Mansion talisman for prosperity
11th & 12th Mansion talismans for power & victory
26th Mansion love talisman
13th Mansion love & sex talisman
The next type of astrological talismans are the talismans of the 36 decans or faces. In traditional astrology each of the 12 Zodical signs are divided into 3 decans or face of 10 degrees each. In traditional astrology the faces have planetary rulership in the Chaldean Order starting with the 1st decan/face of Aries, which is ruled by Mars, the 2nd decan/face of Aries is ruled by the Sun, then the 3rd decan/face of Aries is ruled by Venus. Then the 1st decan/face of Taurus is ruled by Mercury and so on.
One key source for information on the talismans of the decan/faces is Picatrix, an encyclopedic text of Arabic astrological magic. I offer a Decan/Face Mini-Course which teaches how to make talismans of the decan/faces and comprehensively cover full chart decan/face talisman election and creation in my full Astrological Magic Course.
Below are examples of talismans of the Decan/Faces with actual charts for
their creation.
Talisman of the 3rd Face of Aries
Talisman of the 2nd Face of Libra
Talisman of the 2nd Face of Cancer
Bronze Talisman of the 2nd Face of Cancer
Silver Talisman of the 2nd Face of Libra
Talisman of the 1st Face of Virgo
Talisman of the 1st Face of Libra
Talisman of the 2nd Face of Leo
The most sophisticated talismans are not based on a single astrological factor, but work with the entire repertoire of traditional Electional Astrology. The primary method in elections, choices of astrologically auspicious times to take action, is to look to the appropriate ruler of the 12 astrological houses which govern all areas of life. House based talismans, therefore, use a much more complex methodology, looking to the essential dignity of the appropriate house rulers, their aspects and other factors.
The key texts for these complex house based talismans are Picatrix and De Imaginibus "On Images" by the Harranian Sabian sage Thabit Ibn Qurra. These texts represent the height of astrological magic technique and can include such subtleties as tuning the talisman election to the natal chart of the user or person whom the mage seeks to effect, tuning the election to a horary chart asked about the mage's objective and dual talismans whose elections have been adjusted to each other.
Here are examples of talismans with actual
charts appropriate for their creation.
Picatrix Double Love Talismans
Picatrix Talisman for Destruction
Picatrix City Improvement Talisman
Picatrix Trade & Wealth Talisman
Picatrix Power & Dignity Talisman
Picatrix Kingly Favor Talisman
Picatrix Sympathetic Master Talisman
Picatrix Double Marriage Talismans
Picatrix Business Talisman
De Imaginibus Pest Control Talisman
Picatrix Prisoner Release Talisman
De Imaginibus Wealth Talisman
De Imaginibus Personalized Talisman