The figure of King Solomon and his wisdom and power exerted an almost hypnotic influence over magicians and esotericists since ancient times. Solomon's wisdom was seen as extending to astrology and magic, particularly the evocation and binding of spirits. By the Middle Ages and Renaissance a whole variety of grimoires, books of ceremonial magic, were attributed to the authorship of Solomon.
One of the most famous was the Clavicula Solomonis or the Greater Key of Solomon. Many different manuscripts of the Greater Key exist and you can see more about the variant versions at Joseph Peterson's Esoteric Archives. The most famous and widely available translation of the Greater Key is by S. Liddell MacGregor Mathers first published in 1889.
The Greater Key does contain much of interest for astrological magic. For example it provides a whole list of astrologically appropriate times using the planetary days and hours for various activities and types of magic. You can see the Greater Key planetary day/hour timing. The most important use of astrology in the Greater Key of Solomon are the planetary pentacles. These are similar to astrological talismans and are used for invoking the spirits of the planets. The Mathers edition of the Greater Key of Solomon lists forty four different pentacles each with different powers and properties.
There is a certain amount of confusion, probably stemming from the variant manuscripts regarding the proper materials and timing for the pentacles. In Book I, chapter 8, the magician is advised that the pentacles of all the planets should be made on Mercury day (Wednesday) and Mercury hour, with the Moon in an air or earth sign, as well as waxing and on an even day after the New Moon. In addition, colors are given for the pentacles and the instructions make clear that the pentacles are to be constructed of paper and the design written on them. However, in Book I, chapter 18, of the Greater Key of Solomon the standard planetary metals are listed and the magician advised to make the pentacles in the day and hour of the planet itself. Paper is listed as an alternative material.
Renaissance Astrology is proud to present authentic pentacles from the Greater Key of Solomon. The key to the creation of astrological pentacles and talismans is that they must be created and take on their final form at a time that has been elected, i.e. properly selected, using the appropriate astrological factors. We supercharge the astrological conditions by going beyond just the planetary day and hour set forth in the Greater Key for higher effectiveness and power. For example, our basic recipe for a pentacle is that the planet be:
It is not enough to make the pentacle whenever convenient and then to consecrate the talisman at a properly elected time. The pentacle needs to take on its final form, e.g. be inscribed, etched, cast, painted, carved, printed out, etc., when the appropriate astrological factors are in effect. In addition, to creation, it is also vital that the talisman be pentacle at the elected time, because consecration calls the appropriate spirit or spirit into the talisman which is the source of its power.
The effects of pentacles and other astrological talismans are unpredictable. Generally the effects will fall within the actions and areas ruled by the particular planet or set forth in the description of the particular pentacle. Some of the powers of pentacles listed in the Greater Key are unlikely to be literally true, for example, instantly moving from place to place or being physically invisible. My expectation would be that for the instant movement that in fact travel might be easier or for invisibility that one would blend into the background. I should mention that many clients are happy and have noticeable and positive effects with their pentacles, but some clients are unhappy with their pentacles or talismans and say that they see no effects at all. A few clients have reported what they believe are negative effects from pentacles or talismans. While these clients often have never had any experience with magic or have extravagant expectations, potential clients should keep this in mind. We cannot guarantee what the effects of pentacles or talismans will be. Clients that insist on guaranteed results should not buy pentacles or talismans.
Timing is also unpredictable. We have had clients that had noticeable and appropriate effects as soon as they bought the pentacle or talisman, but before receiving it. Others have effects immediately upon receipt, others took months, and some, as noted, saw no effects at all. Astrological pentacles and talismans are best suited for clients that are knowledgeable about the esoteric, experienced with magic and/or are willing to take the time and energy to make a long term connection with the spirit of the talisman. Astrological pentacles or talismans are not appropriate for clients looking for a quick fix, to immediately win big at the lottery or stock market or are in an emergency situation.
Working with Renaissance Astrology pentacles could possibly be best analogized to working with saints. These are highly benefic and powerful beings whom you can make requests of, but cannot command. They will do what is in your best interest, not necessarily what your ego desires. Just being in their presence and being under their influence is a very positive experience causing positive internal change, ultimately perhaps of more value than simply getting one's ego desires and physical needs met.
Please note that while many clients are happy with their pentacles and talismans, some are not and I cannot guarantee exactly what the effects will be for any individual client. In addition, Renaissance Astrology pentacles and talismans are all hand made at precisely chosen times in very limited editions. Once a pentacles or talisman has been shipped, it is used and I cannot re-sell it. Because used pentacles and talismans cannot be resold and because, as noted above I cannot guarantee what the effect of talismans will be there are NO REFUNDS, RETURNS OR EXCHANGES FOR TALISMANS, MIRRORS OR PENTACLES. If you buy a pentacle or talisman, you take the risk of it not working as you wish or hope.
We currently have the Supreme Pentacle and Saturn Pentacles and Jupiter Pentacles and Mars Pentacles and Sun Pentacles and Venus Pentacles and Mercury Pentacles and Moon Pentacles.
If you are seriously interested in getting a Renaissance Astrology pentacle or talisman just contact me and send your date of birth and I can give a quick analysis of which pentacles or talismans are appropriate for you.
The bronze SUPREME PENTACLE for esoteric knowledge and control of spirits. Includes color image and personal consecration instructions.
The Gold Plated Bronze SECOND SATURN PENTACLE for invocation of spirits & protection against misfortune, affliction, poverty & trouble. Includes color image and personal consecration instructions.
The Gold Plated Bronze THIRD SATURN PENTACLE for invocation of spirits. Includes color image and personal consecration instructions. $299.95 plus shipping.
The Gold Plated Bronze FIFTH SATURN PENTACLE for the invocation of spirits and gaining treasure. Includes color image and personal consecration instructions. $299.95 plus shipping.
The Golden Bronze FIRST JUPITER PENTACLE invocation of spirits and possession of treasure. Includes color image and personal consecration instructions. $299.95 plus shipping.
The Bronze SECOND JUPITER PENTACLE for glory, honors, riches, tranquility of mind and to discover treasures. Includes color image and personal consecration instructions. $399.95 plus shipping.
The Bronze THIRD JUPITER PENTACLE for invocation of spirits. Includes color image and personal consecration instructions. $199.95 plus shipping.
The Bronze FOURTH JUPITER PENTACLE for riches, honor and to possess wealth. Includes color image and personal consecration instructions. $299.95 plus shipping.
The bronze FIFTH JUPITER PENTACLE for power and visions. Includes color image and personal consecration instructions. $199.95 plus shipping.
The Golden Bronze SIXTH JUPITER PENTACLE for protection against all earthly dangers. Includes color image and personal consecration instructions. $199.95 plus shipping.
The Bronze SEVENTH JUPITER PENTACLE for treasure and great power against poverty. Includes color image and personal consecration instructions. $299.95 plus shipping.
The Bronze FIRST MARS PENTACLE for the invocation of the spirits of Mars. Includes color image and personal consecration instructions. $299.95 plus shipping.
The Bronze SECOND MARS PENTACLE for health & healing. Includes color image and personal consecration instructions.
The Bronze THIRD MARS PENTACLE for protection. Includes color image and personal consecration instructions. $299.95 plus shipping.
The Bronze FOURTH MARS PENTACLE for power and victory. Includes color image and personal consecration instructions. $299.95 plus shipping.
The Bronze FIFTH MARS PENTACLE for protection against demons and evil spirits. Includes color image and personal consecration instructions. $299.95 plus shipping.
The Bronze SIXTH MARS PENTACLE for protection. Includes color image and personal consecration instructions. $299.95 plus shipping.
The Bronze SEVENTH MARS PENTACLE for hail and heavy rain. Includes color image and personal consecration instructions. $299.95 plus shipping.
The bronze FIRST SUN PENTACLE for great divine power. THE METATRON PENTACLE Includes color image and personal consecration instructions. $399.95 plus shipping.
The Golden Bronze SECOND SUN PENTACLE for invocation of Solar spirits. The 2nd Sun Pentacle, "serveth to repress the pride and arrogance of the solar spirits, which are altogether proud and arrogant by their nature." Includes color image and personal consecration instructions. $249.95 plus shipping.
The bronze THIRD SUN PENTACLE for success, power and authority. The Third Sun Pentacle, "...serveth to acquire Kingdom and Empire, to inflict loss, and to acquire renown and glory" Includes color image and personal consecration instructions. $299.95 plus shipping.
The Golden Bronze FOURTH SUN PENTACLE for invocation of spirits. The Fourth Pentacle of the Sun, "serveth to enable thee to see the spirits when they appear invisible unto those who invoke them; because, when thou hast uncovered it, they will immediately appear visible." Includes color image and personal consecration instructions. $249.95 plus shipping.
The Golden Bronze FIFTH SUN PENTACLE for speedy travel. The Fifth Pentacle of the Sun, "serveth to invoke those spirits who can transport thee from one place unto another, over a long distance and in short time." Includes color image and personal consecration instructions. $249.95 plus shipping.
The Golden Bronze SIXTH SUN PENTACLE for invisibility. Includes color image and personal consecration instructions. $299.95 plus shipping.
The Golden Bronze SEVENTH SUN PENTACLE for freedom and liberty. Includes color image and personal consecration instructions. $299.95 plus shipping.
The Golden Bronze FIRST VENUS PENTACLE for invocation of Venus spirits. Includes color image and personal consecration instructions. $399.95 plus shipping.
The Golden Bronze SECOND VENUS PENTACLE for love and for power in all Venusian things. Includes color image and personal consecration instructions.
The Golden Bronze THIRD VENUS PENTACLE for love. Includes color image and personal consecration instructions. $299.95 plus shipping.
The Golden Bronze FOURTH VENUS PENTACLE for power. Includes color image and personal consecration instructions. $299.95 plus shipping.
The Golden Bronze FIFTH VENUS PENTACLE for love. Includes color image and personal consecration instructions. $249.95 plus shipping
The Bronze FIRST MERCURY PENTACLE for invocation of spirits. Includes color image and personal consecration instructions. $249.95 plus shipping.
The Bronze SECOND MERCURY PENTACLE for secret knowledge and power. Includes color image and personal consecration instructions. $399.95 plus shipping.
The Bronze THIRD MERCURY PENTACLE for invocation of Mercury spirits. Includes color image and personal consecration instructions. $299.95 plus shipping.
The Bronze FOURTH MERCURY PENTACLE for secret knowledge and power. Includes color image and personal consecration instructions. $299.95 plus shipping.
The Bronze FIFTH MERCURY PENTACLE for commanding spirits and opening all doors. Includes color image and personal consecration instructions. $249.95 plus shipping.
The Golden Bronze FIRST MOON PENTACLE for invocation of lunar spirits and opening doors. Includes color image and personal consecration instructions. $399.95 plus shipping.
The Golden Bronze SECOND MOON PENTACLE for the invocation of lunar spirits and for safety. Includes color image and personal consecration instructions. $299.95 plus shipping.
The Golden Bronze THIRD MOON PENTACLE for safety and protection. Includes color image and personal consecration instructions. $299.95 plus shipping.
The Golden Bronze FOURTH MOON PENTACLE for great knowledge and protection from evil and injury. Includes color image and personal consecration instructions. $399.95 plus shipping.
The Golden Bronze FIFTH MOON PENTACLE for knowledge in dreams and destruction of enemies. Includes color image and personal consecration instructions. $299.95 plus shipping
The Golden Bronze SIXTH MOON PENTACLE for heavy rains. Includes color image and personal consecration instructions. $299.95 plus shipping.
Please Contact me for more information!
Here is further information on Astrological Talismans as well as our currently available talismans and Astrological Magic. Here are the astrology and magic books available from Renaissance Astrology.
If you wish to delve even deeper into this fascinating area I offer my Planetary Magic Mini-Course and Mansions of the Moon Mini-Course, which allow students to immediately start making talismans and elections and are a great introduction to my full Astrological Magic Course. Check out all of the available astrology and magic courses at Renaissance Astrology
Check out the Renaissance Astrology Facebook page, the Renaissance Astrology blog and the Spiritus Mundi Yahoo Discussion Group to learn and be part of the Renaissance Astrology community. Also for those interested in advanced traditional astrology and astrological magic and their use as a spiritual path we have the Renaissance Astrology Inner Circle that includes the Inner Circle Marginalia newsletter.